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❤️ Charley, I carry your heart with me.  ❤️

 ~ March 29, 2008 – June 3, 2015 ~


Charley earned his well deserved angel wings at 5:13pm.  He beat bone cancer 2x…for 4 Years, 7 months and 6 days.  He survived bone cancer and he beat the odds, but he couldn’t beat another evil cancer called Hemangiosarcoma.


Charley was totally fine and acting like his happy Labby self even last night.  This morning he seemed tired and he refused a treat which never happens and my gut told me something was wrong.  I called my parents and they checked on Charley this morning about 10:30 and he was more of his perky self, he greeted them at the door, brought them a baby and scarfed down his food.  Joe came home around 11:30 and checked on him and he went potty but didn’t want to go on a walk.  I got home about 12:30 and he didn’t want to eat, he was panting, he jumped up on the couch by me and his back legs were shaking.  When he looked at me his eyes told me he was scared and he was asking for help.  When I looked at his gums and lips they were way too pale.

I called my parents since Joe was in court downtown and they came over and we took Charley in to the ER, which is also where his oncologist is. The ER is about 30 minutes away and I really didn’t think Charley would make it.  He was breathing really slow and not responding when I was talking to him.  By the time I got him to the ER he was in shock.  His pulse was thready and his blood pressure was low.  Hematocrit was fine.  His lungs were fine.  Dr. Buss, his oncologist, did an abdominal US and it showed a tumor in his spleen and behind his left kidney.  FNA confirmed Hemangiosarcoma.  One of the tumors must have ruptured and he bled internally, although no fluid was seen in his abdomen, around his lungs or around his heart.  They gave Charley 3 shock boluses of fluid and his blood pressure wouldn’t come up.  He was fading.


Dr. Buss, his oncologist, was there with us and he was the one to give him the injection.  I will never forget what Dr. Buss said with tears in his eyes, “I will never forget Charley.  He touched so many lives.  He was an inspiration and he gave so many people hope.  I’ve never had a patient survive bone cancer twice and beat bone cancer.  I’m not going to say goodbye, but rather see you later.  You’re a good boy Charley.  You are so loved.”   He also said that the internet is going to go viral tonight with the news of Charley.


I am thankful that Charley held on long enough that we were all able to say goodbye and he was surrounded by everyone who loved him.  All of the vet techs and the receptionists that knew him came in to give him a pet and a kiss…and he knew a lot of people over his 5 years going there!


I am thankful and blessed that we got an additional 4 Years, 7 Months and 6 Days (1,680 days) with Charley after his bone cancer diagnosis.  We were able to see a young pup of 2-1/2 grow into a wonderful adult.  We were able to keep our promise and take him to the beach so he could swim in the ocean.  We got to celebrate his 7th Birthday on 3/29/15.  We will get to bring him home on Friday or Monday.


My heart is shattered and I’m broken.  I’m not sure how I am going to make it without him.  If I had only known last night was the last time he would sleep with me, I would have stayed up all night. ❤️


Godspeed Charley.  Run free, sweet boy, run with all of the hero angels that have gone before you.  You are my love, my heart, my son, my hero…. I love you forever and always.


Charley, I carry your heart with me.  March 29, 2008 – June 3, 2015


 ❤️ Hugs from me and chocolate Labby kisses from my forever Warrior Charley! xoxo  ❤️
































Happy Happy Happy 4 Year, 4 Month Ampuversary Charley!!!  YAY!  YIPPEE!!  WOO HOO!!!  I can’t believe it’s been 16 months since his metastatic OS tumor was removed!


I wanted to thank each of you for making CANINE CANCER WARRIORS a HUGE success again and it has relaunched for the 3rd time!   Shirts and hoodies will be available until tomorrow, March 1st at 10:00pm CST!  So far another 59 have sold and there are still over 24 hours left!


A total of 228 shirts and hoodies were sold in the first campaign that ended on February 8!  Another 115 were sold in the campaign that ended yesterday, February 18!  I am truly amazed on how successful CANINE CANCER WARRIORS has been and how much money has been raised for Bone Cancer Dogs, Inc.!


Because of each and every one of you,  a total of $5554.00 was raised and directly donated to Bone Cancer Dogs, Inc. and it will go directly toward funding of specific research directed toward canine osteosarcoma!   THANK YOU!   Together we ALL made a difference! ❤️ 


If after you receive your shirt or hoodie and you love it and can’t live without another one in a different style or color, just go to the CANINE CANCER WARRIORS campaign and reserve another shirt or hoodie:
❤️ PLEASE SHARE!!! ❤️ 


CANINE CANCER WARRIORS was started to honor my Charley (4 Year, 3 Month Bone Cancer Warrior) and all of the Canine Cancer Warriors who are currently fighting the biggest battle of their life and in memory of those who have earned their angel wings!  100% of the profits…yes 100%…will again be donated to help fund canine cancer ongoing trials and research! 1 in 3 dogs will be diagnosed with cancer. 50% of dogs over the age of 10 will die from cancer.


I know most of you are dog lovers.  Many of you have had a personal experience with canine cancer or know someone close to you who has.  Dog lovers have lots of doggie lover friends who know other doggie lover friends.  Even if you don’t want to buy a Canine Cancer Warriors shirt, PLEASE SHARE because…Together we can ALL make a difference!  ♥  


All of the shirts and hoodies are Charley approved too!


Here’s pictures of the front and back of the shirt I designed.  The shirt is available in a short sleeve tee, long sleeve tee, hoodie and a women’s fitted tee and they come in a variety of colors.




front back





Never give up hope!  My hope is that one day there is a cure for this dreaded disease….


Sending lots of positive thoughts and prayers to all of you and your furry babies!


Thank you for all of your prayers, positive thoughts, hugs, and kisses.  It is greatly appreciated and we can’t thank you enough for all of your support!


  Hugs from me and chocolate Labby kisses from Charley!  xoxo  ♥





I wanted to thank each of you for making CANINE CANCER WARRIORS a HUGE success again!  Thank you!


A total of 228 shirts and hoodies were sold in the first campaign that ended on February 8!  Another 115 were sold in the campaign that ended yesterday, February 18!  I am truly amazed on how successful CANINE CANCER WARRIORS has been and how much money has been raised for Bone Cancer Dogs, Inc.!


Because of each and every one of you, Bone Cancer Dogs, Inc. will be receiving 100% of the profits again…..drum roll, please…..$1907.00!!! Yes, that’s $1907.00!


If you add the $3647.00 that the first campaign raised to this amount of $1907.00, a total of $5554.00 was raised for Bone Cancer Dogs, Inc. that will go directly toward funding of specific research directed toward canine osteosarcoma!   THANK YOU!   Together we ALL made a difference! ❤️ 


Great news!!!  CANINE CANCER WARRIORS campaign has relaunched and shirts and hoodies will be available again until March 1st.  If after you receive your shirt or hoodie and you love it and can’t live without another one in a different style or color, just go to the CANINE CANCER WARRIORS campaign and reserve another shirt or hoodie:
❤️ PLEASE SHARE!!! ❤️ 


CANINE CANCER WARRIORS was started to honor my Charley (4 Year, 3 Month Bone Cancer Warrior) and all of the Canine Cancer Warriors who are currently fighting the biggest battle of their life and in memory of those who have earned their angel wings!  100% of the profits…yes 100%…will again be donated to help fund canine cancer ongoing trials and research! 1 in 3 dogs will be diagnosed with cancer. 50% of dogs over the age of 10 will die from cancer.


I know most of you are dog lovers.  Many of you have had a personal experience with canine cancer or know someone close to you who has.  Dog lovers have lots of doggie lover friends who know other doggie lover friends.  Even if you don’t want to buy a Canine Cancer Warriors shirt, PLEASE SHARE because…Together we can ALL make a difference!  ♥  


All of the shirts and hoodies are Charley approved too!


Here’s pictures of the front and back of the shirt I designed.  The shirt is available in a short sleeve tee, long sleeve tee, hoodie and a women’s fitted tee and they come in a variety of colors.




front back





Never give up hope!  My hope is that one day there is a cure for this dreaded disease….


Sending lots of positive thoughts and prayers to all of you and your furry babies!


Thank you for all of your prayers, positive thoughts, hugs, and kisses.  It is greatly appreciated and we can’t thank you enough for all of your support!


  Hugs from me and chocolate Labby kisses from Charley!  xoxo  ♥

Charley had chemo #5 today, 2/19/14, which was Doxorubicin (Adriamycin).  This was his 3rd Doxorubicin so he is now finished with this chemo agent!  YIPPEE!!!  Charley will start on the Cerenia for anti-nausea tomorrow and will take it for 4 days (nausea from the Doxo typically hits days 3-5).


Since Charley’s last 4 bloodworks and his 2 liver profiles have been fine (he had bloodwork done after his 1st and 2nd Doxo and his 1st and 2nd Lomustine), he does not need any more bloodwork after this chemo or after his next chemo.  YIPPEE  again!!!


Charley has his last and final chemo on 3/12/14 which will be Lomustine (CCNU) which is an oral chemo pill and then he will be officially done with chemo!  Another YIPPEE!!!  I asked when Charley would need chest x-rays and Dr. Buss said we would most likely do it 1-2 months after his next chemo!


Dr. Buss, his oncologist, said and I quote, “Charley looks GREAT!!!”  That made my week again!  I told Dr. Buss that Charley will be 6 on 3/29/14…and that would be his 4th birthday since his OS diagnosis which is amazing!  Dr. Buss agreed that Charley is indeed amazing!  🙂


Charley LOVES the snow (but it has all melted now), so here are some recent snow pics!


I love the wavy fur along his back.  🙂

Charley 2.5.14


Wanna play??

Charley2 2.5.14


One of my favorite all time pics…look at that happy smile!

Charley3 2.5.14



Charley4 2.5.14


Hi there! 

Charley5 2.5.14


Snow face!

Charley6 2.5.14



My little chocolate Valentine!

Charley Valentine


Thank you for all of your prayers, positive thoughts, hugs, and kisses.  It is greatly appreciated and we can’t thank you enough for all of your support!


  Hugs from me and chocolate Labby kisses from Charley!  xoxo  ♥

Charley had chemo #4 on 1/29/14 which was Lomustine, an oral chemo pill also known as CCNU.  Charley is now 2/3 of the way through chemo!  Dr. Buss, his oncologist, said and I quote, “Charley looks great!”.  Boy did that make my day!  Charley had his bloodwork and a liver profile done on 2/5/14 and everything looks good.  His next chemo #5 is Doxorubicin which is scheduled for 2/19/14.  Charley’s 1st Doxorubicin chemo hit him a bit hard, but he sailed through his 2nd without any issues so we are hoping that #3 goes smoothly as well!


Last Sunday was Superbowl Sunday and my birthday, so Charley and I were sporting our Peyton Manning jerseys and cheering on the Broncos together.  Even though I was bummed about the Broncos, I couldn’t complain too much.  I had the best birthday ever with Charley by my side!  He is doing great with only 2 chemos to go and he is absolutely the BEST birthday present ever!!!  I would have never thought when he was diagnosed with osteosarcoma that he would be celebrating with me on my special day almost 40 months later!


Shhh…don’t tell Charley that he’s wearing a girls XL!

Charley Broncos1

 Charley looks like a linebacker in this one!

Charley Broncos

 We traded jerseys, so here’s Charley and his mommy!

Charley & me

…and another of Charley and me!


….and another!


I love this one!

Charley & me2



Thank you for all of your prayers, positive thoughts, hugs, and kisses.  It is greatly appreciated and we can’t thank you enough for all of your support!


  Hugs from me and chocolate Labby kisses from Charley!  xoxo 

Just wanted to share some great news!  Today is Charley’s 39th Month Ampuversary!!!   YIPPEE!!!  YAY!!!  WOO HOO!!!


Tomorrow Charley has chemo #4 (Lomustine aka CCNU) of 6, so we are getting towards the end!  Charley tolerated his last chemo Doxorubicin without any side effects this time which was a big relief (the first Doxorubicin hit him pretty hard).  Charley’s most recent (and 3rd) blood work on 1/16/14 was fine, which hopefully means he won’t need any more during the rest of his chemo.


Charley has been his happy Labby self.  He loves the snow!!!   He’s been doing zoomies around the great room and he’s always counter surfing and begging for food!


This is one of my favorite pics!  Look at those eyes!

Charley 11.28.13


Snow zoomies!!!!!!!!!

Charley9 1.5.14


Thank you for all of your prayers, positive thoughts, hugs, and kisses.  It is greatly appreciated and we can’t thank you enough for all of your support!


  Hugs from me and chocolate Labby kisses from Charley!  xoxo 

Charley had his 3rd (of 6) round of chemo, Doxorubicin, on Thursday 1/9 so now he is officially at the 1/2 way mark for chemo!  YAY!!!  Charley started taking Cerenia on Friday to help with any nausea or vomiting since Doxo is really hard on the GI system and so far, so good.


Dr. Buss thought Charley looked great and said he was “perfect” during chemo and he just layed on his side (although he’s an anxious maniac mess in the Lobby…go figure)!  Blood work again in 10 days and if his counts are fine for the 3rd time in a row, we won’t need anymore CBC’s done for his remaining chemos of Lomustine and Doxo!


Charley had so much fun playing on the snow last weekend!  St. Louis got close to 10-12″, so he had lots of snow to play in.  Unfortunately the “Polar Vortex” made the high temps Monday of -2, so his outside time had to be limited to less than 5 minutes or his paws would get too cold and he would hold up a paw.  I think he looks super handsome in his puffer jacket!


Here’s a few snow pics of Charley from Sunday!  The golden in the one picture is our neighbor, Louie!  Charley with 3 legs can run circles around Lou!  Charley steals all of Louie’s balls from him…when Charley sees their garage door open, he bolts over there goes into their garage roots through their children’s large storage container of balls and then helps himself to what he wants.  It’s quite embarrassing that Charley has about 10 tennis balls that are Louie’s and sweet Lou doesn’t mind.  I do take them back, but I swear Charley counts the balls and knows that I returned a few!  LOL!


Charley and our neighbor’s golden, Louie!

Charley8 1.5.14


Charley doing zoomies in the yard!  Notice Louie, the golden, way in the background! 🙂

Charley7 1.5.14


Charley running….

Charley9 1.5.14


….and running!

Charley4 1.5.14


Brr….it’s cold!  Charley’s eyebrows are starting to freeze!

Charley3 1.5.14


Charley doesn’t seem to be cold!

Charley5 1.5.14


Charley’s so happy that he’s smiling!

Charley6 1.5.14


Charley says, “The snow tastes so yummy!”

Charley1 1.5.14


My FAVORITE snow picture!

Charley 1.5.14


The is the last picture because he was getting ready to jump on me to tell me,  “Enough pictures, Mom!”

Charley2 1.5.14


…and a video!



Charley did a great job cheering on the Colts last weekend and this weekend, but since the Colts lost and won’t be advancing to the playoffs he’ll have to cheer on Peyton Manning with the Broncos!  Go Broncos!  Charley doesn’t have a Broncos jersey, but his Colts jersey is Manning jersey so that’s going to have to count!





Thank you for all of your prayers, positive thoughts, hugs, and kisses.  It is greatly appreciated and we can’t thank you enough for all of your support!


♥  Hugs from me and chocolate Labby kisses from Charley!  xoxo 

Here’s a picture of Charley from last night cheering on his Missouri Tigers in the Cotton Bowl!  Charley must have been their good luck charm because Mizzou beat OSU (41-31 if anyone wants the score)!!!




Charley is doing well since his chemo #2 on 12/18/13.  He celebrated his 38th Month Ampuversary on 12/28/13 (and I’m a bad mommy because I didn’t post)!!!  Charley’s 3rd chemo, Doxorubicin,  is scheduled for this Thursday 1/9/14 and he’ll be at the 1/2 way mark!


Charley will be sporting his Colts attire this afternoon and rooting for the Colts to beat the Chiefs!  He’s already wearing his Colts collar, but he’s snoozing on the couch waiting for the game to start!  No worries….he’ll have his Colts jersey on before game time!


St. Louis is supposed to get close to 12″ of snow tonight into Sunday and Charley is going to be so excited since he loves to play in the snow!!!  Too bad wind chills are going to be -20 to -30 below because his snow play is going to limited because of the severe cold.  I guess I’ll just have to put his puffer jacket on him and hope that his paw pads don’t get too chilly!


Wishing everyone a belated happy and healthy 2014!!!


Thank you for all of your prayers, positive thoughts, hugs, and kisses.  It is greatly appreciated and we can’t thank you enough for all of your support!


♥  Hugs from me and chocolate Labby kisses from Charley!  xoxo 

Charley had his chemo #2, Lomustine, yesterday afternoon and he is doing fine!


Lomustine is an oral chemo that is also referred to as CCNU.  It is commonly used to treat some cancers of the brain (it can cross the blood-brain barrier), lymphoma, mast cell tumors, and non-resectable soft tissue sarcomas.


Because Lomustine has a greater impact on myelosuppression (a condition in which bone marrow activity is decreased, resulting in fewer red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets).  Charley will start antibiotics (cefpodoxine 200mg) on day 5 (12/23/13) after chemo.  He will take the antibiotics for 7 days to prevent an infection because of low white blood cell count (leukopenia).


Charley will have to have his blood work done between 7-10 days (at nadir) and he will also need a liver profile since Lomustine can impact liver function.


Charley is scheduled for chemo #3 (Doxorubicin) on Thursday 1/9/14….and then we will be at the half way mark!


Charley’s Great Dane buddies, Beau and Cayman, and their mommy and daddy (Cindy and Will) sent him a beautiful Christmas ornament.  The ornament is a “chocolate” stained glass paw print that was hand made locally where they live in Maryland.  The ornament is very beautiful!  I love it!!!  It is hanging front and center on the Christmas tree.





Charley gained almost 5 pounds since his last chemo 3 weeks ago, so we are going to cut back a bit on his food….and he’s not going to be happy!   He weighed 69.5 pounds which is still a good weight for him, but he doesn’t need to gain any more!  We wanted him to gain a few pounds so we increased his food, but I guess I didn’t factor in all the cream cheese he gets to hide all of his supplements in.  I think he’s going through a block of Philly cream cheese every 2 weeks, so that’s a lot of extra fat grams and calories.


Here’s a few pictures from yesterday after we got home from the oncologist.  The long car ride and all of the waiting really wears him out!






Thank you for all of your prayers, positive thoughts, hugs, and kisses.  It is greatly appreciated and we can’t thank you enough for all of your support!


♥  Hugs from me and chocolate Labby kisses from Charley!  xoxo 

Sorry it’s been awhile since I posted an update.  Charley is finally back to his happy Labby self!  Yippee!!!


The doxorubicin hit him a bit hard (he had no side effects at all from his 5 rounds of carboplatin).  We gave him Cerenia, but there were still days when the saliva would just drip out if his mouth….he was lethargic and you could tell he didn’t feel well and couldn’t get comfortable….although in typical Labby fashion he never lost his appetite.  He wanted to lay outside in the cold on the deck by himself and did so for hours which is not like him at all (he typically does not stay outside at all unless we are with him).


Charley had his blood work done last Saturday 12/8 (day 10 for nadir) and his neutrophils and platelets were low (still in the range to not have to delay his next chemo), but his onco isn’t worried about the numbers because they should rebound fine.


Charley is scheduled for chemo #2 (Lomustine) this Wednesday 12/18….and then he only has 4 more to go!


Thank you for all of your prayers, positive thoughts, hugs, and kisses.  It is greatly appreciated and we can’t thank you enough for all of your support!


♥  Hugs from me and chocolate Labby kisses from Charley!  xoxo 


I love this picture….especially his soulful eyes!

Charley 11.28.13


Handsome Charley!  This is the photo he is submitting with his Harvard application!  He looks so ivy league!

Charley sweatertie 11.30.13

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