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Monthly Archive for October, 2013

The surgeon said the CT scan looks clear except for the cancer that’s in the prescapular lymph node.  Lungs, heart and everything else looked good.  There was some increased uptake along the border of his abdomen where she thought could be a deeper cancer or scar tissue, but she aspirated it and all she saw […]

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Unfortunately, no surgery today for Charley. The surgeon said the cancer lump is the lymph node and that she thinks it goes into deeper structures because it’s connected at one end and that area feels hard. She said it could be scar tissue from his amp or more cancer.  A CT scan will show where […]

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Charley’s surgery is at 9am cst tomorrow to remove the OS met that is near his amputation site.  He’s walking in to MVRC wearing his “Superman Cancer Warrior” costume too!   Positive thoughts, prayers, and keeping fingers and 3-paws crossed are greatly appreciated!  I will post an update tomorrow.   Thank you for all of […]

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This post has taken me all day to write (and I apologize to everyone for having to wait so long for the news)….   I have started typing and then deleted everything and I’ve repeated this process multiple times.  I’ve given up on writing something enlightening and eloquent because I’m pissed off.  I hate freaking […]

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Charley’s Halloween costume is “Superman Cancer Warrior”.  It’s amazing how white electrical tape and a lot of cutting can transform an off the shelf costume into something wonderful!     We took Charley to a local pet boutique, Treats Unleashed, and he won 1st place in their costume contest.  Here’s some pictures of Charley sporting […]

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It looks like the pathology report won’t be back until Monday 10/28, how ironic……that’s Charley’s 3 Year Ampuversary.   We tentatively scheduled Charley’s surgery for Thursday 10/31 with the same surgeon that did his amputation 3 years ago, pending the pathology results.  Depending on the path report and the surgeon’s physical exam of how operable […]

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I wish the news was better to share, but unfortunately it’s not.   I was waiting until Monday, 10/28, to post happy news about Charley’s big 3 Year Ampuversary, but I guess that wasn’t in the cards.   We just left the oncologist after Charley’s 3 year follow up for osteosarcoma…. and I just got done […]

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