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Monthly Archive for November, 2013

Today is Charley’s 37 Month Ampuversary!  I am so proud of Charley for being the OS Warrior that he is and has been for over 3 years!  I’m so proud of his courage, strength, and resiliency!  I’m blessed to have been given an additional 1,126 precious days with Charley since his amputation!  I’m in awe […]

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Thank you for keeping Charley in your thoughts and prayers! Charley had his 1st round of chemo (Doxorubicin) this afternoon and now he’s relaxing at home.   When Dr. Buss (onco) tried taking Charley back, Charley had other ideas. He put on the breaks and tried to run to me….all while crying and yelping…he’s a […]

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We had Charley’s appointments this afternoon with Dr. Luther (surgeon) and Dr. Buss (oncologist).   Charley’s staples were removed…Yay!!!   Dr. Luther was excited that she got clear margins and after explaining to us how she had to cut the tumor out by feel and by using the CT imaging, it is amazing that she got […]

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Hi everyone!   I called Charley’s surgeon this afternoon to inquire about the histopathology from his mass removal and lymph node removal.  The results were in, but she did not call to tell us the results since the oncologist will be the person to discuss treatment options.  She didn’t want to go into any more […]

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I have never seen this before today, but I LOVE it!   I just wanted to share…     ♥  Hugs from me and chocolate Labby kisses from Charley!  xoxo  ♥

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Sorry it’s been a few days since I updated everyone.  No news is good news because Charley is doing well!  He finished his Rimadyl yesterday and he’s pretty much off of the Tramadol.  We did give him about 1/3 of a 100mg Tramadol last night because he couldn’t get comfortable.  We think the discomfort now […]

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Charley has been getting around well since he’s been home and he’s not having any issues walking!   Charley was the rock star as always and within an hour of being home he wanted to eat and drink and then went outside and peed and pooped.  We didn’t have to wait long at all for the […]

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Charley’s home!  I just wanted to update everyone and let you all know that he is doing well!   Charley has already peed and pooped!  Yay!!!  He’s had a little to eat and drink and keeps going back to his food bowl.  I’m sure he’s hungry since he hasn’t eaten all day, but I don’t […]

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Dr. Luther, Charley’s surgeon,  just called at 12:35pm CST and Charley is out of surgery.  The breathing tube has been removed and he is on a medication drip in the ICU and appears groggy, but comfortable.   The mass was not the prescapular lymph node as they suspected, but rather a separate mass next to […]

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MVRC just called at 9:53am CST and Charley is under anesthesia and doing well. He’s going in now for surgery. I’ll keep praying for my boy and for another miracle.   It makes me feel so much better knowing that we are surrounded by love, hope, and prayers for Charley!   ♥  Hugs from me and […]

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