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Happy 17 Month Ampuversary Charley!!!  You are our tripawd hero and everyday you make us so proud that you picked us as your mommy and daddy!  ♥ ♥ ♥

My wish to you is that you continue your fight against osteosarcoma with the same strength, resilience, and determination that you have since your journey started.

My promise to you is that you will never suffer and when you tell me that it’s time, I will bravely and lovingly give you your well-deserved angel wings.

On another note, Charley turns 4 tomorrow!!!!  Yippee!!!  Yay!!!  Woo Hoo!!!

Happy 4th Birthday to my special hero boy!!!  This will be the 2nd birthday that he celebrates as a tripawd cancer survivor!

Please keep your fingers and paws crossed and keep us in your thoughts and prayers for clear x-rays tomorrow.  Charley has a follow-up appointment with his oncologist tomorrow at 4:30pm cst and he already has his “Birthday Bandana” out and ready to wear for tomorrow….Charley thinks he may be able to score a few extra treats if he looks super cute!

Your mommy and daddy love you more than you will ever know!!!  ♥♥♥


Mommy & Daddy  xoxo

Today is National Puppy Day!

Here is baby Charley at 6 weeks old (2 weeks after he picked us).  We brought him home at 8 weeks old.



You have changed our lives forever and we are honored that you picked us to be your parents.  You are intelligent, resilient, loving, and loyal.  Your daily strength and determination make you a hero in our eyes everyday.  Even though we didn’t ask for this cancer journey,  we cherish every lesson that you are here to teach us.

We you Charley!!!

Love always,

Mommy and Daddy  xoxo

I wanted to thank Jackie Bouchard, another member and Angel Abby’s mom, for putting my beautiful Charley on the cover of her new novel, “What the Dog Ate”.


The book is awesome!  I loved it!  I wasn’t able to put it down and you guys won’t be able to either!  Here’s the link to purchase the e-book if anyone is interested on  “What the Dog Ate” and on   “What the Dog Ate”.


Hugs and chocolate Labby kisses,


Ellen (super proud Tripawd mommy) & Charley (who is requesting his own agent for his pawographs)  xoxo


Hi friends!


It’s me, Charley.  I sneaked on my mommy’s ‘puter when she wasn’t looking.  She doesn’t like me on her ‘puter….something about slobber and doggie hair???


It was my 16 Month Ampuversary on 2-28-12.  YIPPEE for me!!!  My mommy and daddy left for Cancun that day and she forgot to post on here about my special day.  That’s okay because I got to spend almost a week with my grandpa and grandma!  They always give me lots of yummy treats….sshhhh….don’t tell my mommy cuz it’s our little secret!


My birthday is coming up soon.  I will be 4 years old on 3-29-12!!!  My mommy already had an extra special birthday bandana made for me to wear….it’s way better than making me wear a silly t-shirt!  I get to go on a car ride on my birthday to see my oncologist for my 17 month post-amp appointment.  I don’t mind cuz I get lots of scratches and yummy treats!


I’m going to have a birthday party too.  Every year I have a joint birthday party with my grandpa.  I turn 4 and my grandpa turns 72!  I hope I get lots of presents….stuffies and yummies are top on my wish list!


I gotta go cuz mommy is coming!!!


Chocolate Labby kisses to all of my tripawd friends and my Tripawd Warrior Angel Princesses!!!!



Charley xoxo

Happy 15 Month Ampuversary Charley!!!  We are so proud of you, our tripawd hero, and your fight against bone cancer!!!  GO CHARLEY!!!

Your mommy and daddy love you more than you will ever know!!!  ♥♥♥


Mommy & Daddy  xoxo

Hi everyone!


It’s me Charley!  My mommy isn’t looking so I snuck on her computer.


Even though I am not a Tripawd Warrior Princess, I am really going to miss my friends that have recently made their journey to Rainbow Bridge.  Gayle, Abby, Rio and all the Tripawd Warrior Princesses…..this is for you!


Since I am a boy, I thought I could be a Tripawd Warrior Prince and wear a blue cape….but the name didn’t sound as cool and I didn’t have a blue cape.  Hmmm….


After many hours of thinking and sleeping and eating (I’m a lab and love to eat) I came up with this.   Superman is a hero, just like all of you, so I thought I would don a cape in your honor!



It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s….TRIPAWD SUPER CHARLEY!!!


I tried to fly.  I tried and tried and I tried so hard.  I wanted to fly up to Rainbow Bridge and deliver all of you lots of chocolate labby kisses, but my idea didn’t work.


I will always remember my hero friends, my Tripawd Warrior Princesses!  Your legacy lives on.  I will continue the fight.  Cancer better be ready to deal with TRIPAWD SUPER CHARLEY!!!!


Hugs and chocolate Labby kisses to Gayle, Abby and Rio…  xoxo



Today is Charley’s 14 Month Ampuversary!!!  I am so proud of my tripawd hero and his fight against bone cancer!!!  GO CHARLEY!!!  Your mommy and daddy love you more than you will ever know!!!  ♥♥♥


Here is a picture of the blanket that Charley got me for Christmas!  I love it!  My hubby sent a photo of Charley in the snow that he took last winter and it was made into a blanket.  After I opened it, Joe told me that now I can always cuddle with Charley even when he is not here……and I started crying…..just didn’t want to think about a time when Charley is not here, so I am not!


Happy 14 Month Ampuversary Charley!!!


Hugs and chocolate Labby kisses from Charley xoxo

Since we will be traveling tomorrow, I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Holiday!!!


Merry Christmas!!!


Hugs and chocolate Labby kisses from Ellen, Joe & Charley  xoxo


Ho, Ho, Ho and Merry Christmas!!!


Charley is quite the professional gift unwrapper!!!  If I say “present”, he will go get a present from under the tree….and he won’t open it until I say “open”!


Here is a link to a video of Charley opening his Christmas presents from his Bone Cancer Dogs Secret Santa Pal (Thank You Kristi, Shari, and Furbabies!!!):  


I need a bumper sticker that says, “My Tripawd Labrador is Smarter than your honor student!”


I hope Charley’s video brings you a smile!!!  Tripawd heroes are amazing!!!


Hugs and chocolate Labby kisses from Ellen & Charley  xoxo



Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!!!


I am thankful for so many things, but especially the 401 days that Charley has been living with osteosarcoma!


I am truly blessed!


Hugs and chocolate Labby kisses from Charley (and Ellen too) xoxo

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