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Charley’s surgery is tomorrow morning to remove the OS met in his lymph node that is near his amputation site.  He has to be there at 7:45am CST.  I’m not sure the exact time of his surgery, but I will keep everyone posted.  Charley can’t have anything to eat past 8:00pm CST tonight, so I fed him 2 dinners because he was not happy last Thursday when he couldn’t eat before his CT scan.  Charley thinks he hit the lotto…or his mommy is going crazy and forgot that he already ate his dinner.


We’re praying for the skill and wisdom of his surgeon, a successful surgery, clear margins (even though we are fully aware that the surgeon will may not be able to get clear margins), a quick recovery, and more precious time with our cancer warrior!


Positive thoughts, prayers, and keeping fingers and 3-paws crossed are greatly appreciated!  I will post updates tomorrow.


Here are 4 reasons that I believe are good karma for Charley’s surgery tomorrow:


1.  November is National Pet Cancer Awareness Month….maybe Charley could be their poster child!  🙂


2.  Charley won Penn Vet School’s Halloween contest on Facebook and I just found out last night!   His costume was, of course, “Superman Cancer Warrior”.  Charley’s prize is a package of Penn Vet swag.  Here’s the link to the post of Penn Vet’s FB page:


3. Penn Vet (University of Pennsylvania) is also where Dr. Nicola Mason is running the trial for the Bone Cancer Vaccine, so I’m thinking this is a sign!

It is now over 16 months since the first dog diagnosed with spontaneous osteosarcoma received an experimental bone cancer vaccine at the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Veterinary Medicine.  The results are highly promising and a larger phase II clinical trial is now being planned at Penn and at collaborating sites including Colorado State University and the University of Florida.  If you would like to learn more about the clinical trial, are interested in enrolling your dog, or wish to support Dr. Mason’s research, visit


4.  Charley received a very special present in the mail today….a beautiful handmade collar that reads “Together We Can Make a Difference” in support of Bone Cancer Dogs.  Chris O’Riley of Collars By Chris (Wellington, New Zealand) donates 50% of her profits to Bone Cancer Dogs for cancer research.  Until Chris raises $1500, she is donating 100% of her profits to Bone Cancer Dogs.


If you need a beautiful, high quality, and affordable dog collar please consider purchasing one from Collars by Chris:


Chris also dedicated a page for Charley on her website over a year ago!  I am still touched and honored that Charley continues to grace a page on her website.





Thank you for all of your prayers, positive thoughts, hugs, and kisses.  It is greatly appreciated and we can’t thank you enough for all of your support!


  Hugs from me and chocolate Labby kisses from Charley! xoxo 


Here’s a few pictures of Charley modeling his new collar….and they are the “before” pictures for this surgery.  The next pictures that you’ll see after tomorrow he’ll be shaved (or at least 1/2 shaved).





….and my favorite collage that shows Charley’s personality!


Charley collage 10.31.13

Charley’s Halloween costume is “Superman Cancer Warrior”.  It’s amazing how white electrical tape and a lot of cutting can transform an off the shelf costume into something wonderful!


Charley's costume 10.26.13


We took Charley to a local pet boutique, Treats Unleashed, and he won 1st place in their costume contest.  Here’s some pictures of Charley sporting his costume!

Charley-Superman Cancer Warrior2Charley-Superman Cancer Warrior1Charley in costume 10.26.13

We felt that a family portrait was in order since it was a special day for all of us!

3 of us1 10.26.13

Charley was so proud of his 1st place prize!

Charley won-10.26.13


We had planned to have Charley’s 3 Year Ampuvesary Party and my mom’s Birthday Party together yesterday, but instead we had a change of plans and we only celebrated my mom’s birthday yesterday.  Monday, October 28th, which is Charley’s actual 3 Year ampuversary is when we decided to celebrate his special day.  Monday is also the day we should get the pathology report back on the aspirate from his new cancer “lump”, so we thought we’d celebrate his 3 Year Ampuversary and “Cancer Warrior” status that day regardless of the results!


This Thursday, October 31st, Charley’s has surgery scheduled to remove his new cancer lump (pending the path results).  We thought since Thursday is Halloween, he’d wear his “Superman Cancer Warrior” costume into the surgery center that morning as a “pawsitive” omen…and to show that he is going to battle!!!


Charley Halloween collage


We’re still praying that Charley has an operable soft tissue sarcoma so he can continue on his journey of hope inspiring others and proving that OS doesn’t have to be a death sentence and that you can live happily with cancer!!!


Thank you for all of your prayers, positive thoughts, hugs, and kisses.  It is greatly appreciated and we can’t thank you enough for all of your support!


  Hugs from me and chocolate Labby kisses from Charley!  xoxo 



Charley is going to write this post, but I just wanted to say that I have so much to be thankful for….and I am especially thankful for a certain special Tripawd chocolate Lab named Charley.  Charley, you are our Hero!!!  I never thought that we would be celebrating Charley’s 2 Year Ampuversary on October 28, 2012 (that’s why we made it Charley’s ampversary month) or another holiday season with our boy!



Hi, it’s me Charley!!!  Sorry it has been a while since I posted, but I’ve been really busy!

My mommy keeps telling me that we are still celebrating my 2 Year Ampuversary Month (my 2 year ampuversary was on October 28) so I have a few more days left to celebrate!!!

I was the surprise guest at the 8th Annual Bone Cancer Dogs Reunion in Dayton, OH from October 25-28, 2012 (my mommy said that she kept the secret for a whole year and she was hoping and praying that I would make it….whatever that means).  My mommy and daddy rented a mini van so I would have more room on the long car ride.  I had lots of room, but I still liked trying to sit on my mommy’s lap.  I got to meet a lot of new doggie and human friends and everyone loved me!  I was able to table surf and score lots of food and my begging for food was rewarded too!  I even got fed some cake from a fork…my mommy didn’t know that I could use utensils!  I won 3 Wubba’s from the raffle too!  You can never have too many toys!

My mommy already put up the Christmas decorations.  I love looking at all of the lights and opening presents.  Too bad that there are no presents under the Christmas tree yet.  I’ve already broken one of mommy’s glass ornaments with my tail, so my mommy had to move her favorite ornaments further up the Christmas tree.

My Grandma, Grandpa, and Uncle Andrew just got over to my house for Thanksgiving and I am so excited to see them that I’ve been doing the Happy Labby Dance!  My mommy and daddy don’t cook the traditional turkey and fixings, but instead we do homemade lasagna and filets.  I’m keeping my 3-paws crossed that I’ll get some yummy samples of dinner tonight!

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!!!!

Love and chocolate Labby kisses,

Charley  xoxo



Me with my mommy and daddy when we arrived at the BCD Reunion.

Welcome to everyone!

Here’s one of me looking cute!

…and another one of me!

The Rainbow Bridge cake to honor all of our angels…..

Ana feeding me cake from a fork!  I do have manners!!!

My trophy that I got!!!

BCD Reunion group photo

A final farewell picture.  I miss all of my new friends!

A video of me playing Corn Hole with everyone!




Last week a very special package arrived…..


My mommy opened the package and inside was a little something that kind of looked like a very small stuffed animal version of my Tripawd self.


It was a Mini-Me or a Mini Charley!!!  My mommy thinks that Mini Charley is absolutely gorgeous just like myself, but I think I am the better looking of the two…..what do you think?


Here’s a few more pictures of Mini Charley.


Here’s a picture of Mini-Me and Mini Abby.  Abby and I met through Bone Cancer Dogs and we were amputation buddies and she will always have a special place in my heart and my mommy’s heart.  I know that Abby continues to keep a good watch over me from Rainbow Bridge because I am a 21 Month OS Warrior!  Even though I never got to meet Abby in person, I feel like we have met since our Mini’s have met.  Abby will always be one of my Angels or as my mommy says, one of Charley’s Angels.


Here’s a picture of Mini Charley next to the photo of me that was used for the cover of a book.  Yes, I am a cover model!


Speaking of a book….here’s Mini Charley posing with copies of “What the Dog Ate” by Jackie Bouchard.


An extra special thank you to Jackie for making my mommy so happy!!!  My mommy said that you and your sister are very talented!  Now if only my mommy would just let me play with Mini Charley, then I would be an even happier Labby boy!


My mommy entered me into the “Cancer Can’t Keep a Good Dog Down” 2013 calendar contest by 2 Million Dogs.  To be featured in the calendar I have to be in the top 13 dogs.  If you have $5 that you could spare for cancer research, please consider voting for me so I can be in the calendar and represent Tripawds.  All donations go to comparative oncology studies for canine cancer and the results benefit humans with cancer.


Here’s the link to vote for me:


Hugs and Chocolate Labby kisses to everyone!!!





Charley won the Cru Vin Dogs Wine’s TLC photo contest!!!  That means we win a case of wine (we are picking The Loyal Companion Red Blend which was rated an 88 and a “Best Buy” by Wine Enthusiast) and Bone Cancer Dogs, Inc. will receive $100!


Here’s what was posted on Cru Vin Dogs Wine Facebook page: 

Congratulations to Charley! Our TLC photo contest winner. His mom, Ellen, will receive a case of The Loyal Companion wine and $100 donation to the dog charity of her choice! Thanks to everyone who participated.


And here’s what was posted on the Cru Vin Dogs Blog: 

Charley is a four year old chocolate Lab with an amazing story. When he was two years old, he was diagnosed with osteosarcoma (bone cancer). He lost one of his front legs, but none of his enthusiasm for life. He runs, jumps and counter-surfs.

Ellen, Charley’s mom, says, “Charley reminds us every day to cherish life and to enjoy each and every day… he is living with cancer, not dying from cancer!”


Thank you to everyone who voted!!!  Since BCD just funded their 3rd clinical trial (in the past 2 years) at North Carolina State to investigate the use of Palladia with OSA, I know that the $100 will be put to good use!!!  Here’s more info about the trial funded by BCD:


Hugs and chocolate Labby kisses,
Ellen & Charley xoxo
18.5 Month OS Survivor….and counting!!!

I wanted to thank Jackie Bouchard, another member and Angel Abby’s mom, for putting my beautiful Charley on the cover of her new novel, “What the Dog Ate”.


The book is awesome!  I loved it!  I wasn’t able to put it down and you guys won’t be able to either!  Here’s the link to purchase the e-book if anyone is interested on  “What the Dog Ate” and on   “What the Dog Ate”.


Hugs and chocolate Labby kisses,


Ellen (super proud Tripawd mommy) & Charley (who is requesting his own agent for his pawographs)  xoxo


My mommy and daddy took me to this cool new doggie boutique store (Treats Unleashed) this weekend for a Halloween Party.  I even dressed up!  My costume was the “Biggest Cardinal Fan on 3 Legs” and I even brought my very own Rally Squirrel.


I didn’t win the cutest costume contest, but I did win the “Best Trick”.  My trick was showing them how a front leg amputation can still give a “High 5” and “shake”.  I won a basket full of yummy treats, goodies and even a gift certificate!  This was the first time I have ever won anything!!!


I wasn’t too interested in going “Trick-or-Treating” down the shopping plaza…I was much more interested in all the pets and attention I was getting!


Here’s what Treats Unleashed posted about me on Facebook:  Charley was SO cute giving us his “High 5” and hand shake. He is a true inspiration for our Chase Away K9 Cancer campaign, which is what our Rescue Treat of the Month treats are supporting this month. Thanks for bringing him in to meet us! ~ Suzanne


Here’s some super cute pictures of me from this weekend!  In one picture, I was so excited that I couldn’t keep my butt down to sit (my Rally Squirrel is in that picture…too excited to hold it though)!  In another you can see the gift basket I won!


Hugs and Chocolate Labby Kisses from Charley!  xoxo

Charley’s pic was chosen as one of the dogs that is featured on the Weekly Smilers. The dogs are in alphabetical order so Charley is on the first slide.  Way to go Charley!  You make your mommy (and daddy) so proud!!!


View the slideshow for today September 19 at the link below.


Hugs and chocolate Labby kisses,

Ellen & Charley xoxo

My mommy had me donate my DNA (my blood and and tumor sample) to the Canine Hereditary Cancer Consortium (CHCC) through the Van Andel Institute.  My DNA was donated to help with canine cancer research so hopefully one day there will be a cure for human and canine cancer and no person or dog will ever have to suffer again.


My mommy says that even though I may not win my battle with cancer, we can help fight for a cure!


Here’s the link to me on the CHCC website:  CLICK HERE TO SEE ME ON THE CHCC WEBSITE


You can click on a link there to see a video of me playing in the snow at 12 weeks post amputation.  My mommy says it is AMAZING to watch!!!


Hugs and chocolate Labby kisses from Charley… xoxo

Chocolate Kisses is brought to you by Tripawds.