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The surgeon said the CT scan looks clear except for the cancer that’s in the prescapular lymph node.  Lungs, heart and everything else looked good.  There was some increased uptake along the border of his abdomen where she thought could be a deeper cancer or scar tissue, but she aspirated it and all she saw were fat cells.  The radiologist will have to review the scan to give a definitive, but and we won’t know until tomorrow (Friday) or Wednesday (Dr. Luther is out of the office Mon and Tues).


Charley is scheduled for surgery to remove the lymph node next Friday 11/8.  The surgeon obviously won’t be able to get clear margins because the structures near the prescapular lymph node are his jugular vein and trachea.  It would be considered a palliative surgery just like his amputation was considered (versus curative).  Dr. Luther (surgeon) has already consulted with Dr. Buss (oncologist) and the treatment options are chemo, radiation, or a combo of both based on the histopathogy of the lymph node tumor.  The surgeon says that it’s rare that OS mets to the prescapular lymph node (typically lungs or bone), but Charley’s case has not been typical since the beginning and he’s still here 3 years later.


All things considered, the news could have been worse.


Thank you for all of your prayers, positive thoughts, hugs, and kisses.  It is greatly appreciated and we can’t thank you enough for all of your support!


  Hugs from me and chocolate Labby kisses from Charley! xoxo 

Charley collage 10.31.13

16 Responses to “Charley’s home!!!…..and CT update”

  1. Michelle says:

    That is pretty good news. I am still going to pray that you get good enough margins that it won’t spread anymore. Hang tough Charley. We are praying for the best news yet for you and that you will continue to fight this nasty disease for a long long time. Look at you smile. Love these pictures

    Michelle & Angel Sassy

  2. benny55 says:

    YAAAAAAAY for fat cells!! Just plan YAAAAAAAY for everything avout Charlie!! CHARLIE THE AMAZING!

    So glad he’s home and hope he’s feeling 110% quickky! He is such a trooper! Definitely NOT “typical”

    Charley, I kee scrolling backmup to look at your pictures and just cntinue to smile!! You are a beautiful soul so full of joy and so full of happiness! This by has a lot more living to do!!

    We’re just lapping up all these chocolate lab kisses over here!! Keep ’em coming Charley!


    Sally and Happy Hannah

  3. That sounds like mostly good news! Let’s hear it for the fat cells! Hopefully once they get in there they can get rid of more of those nasty C cells than they think they can. Keep fightin’, Charley!

  4. murphsmom says:

    All in all, it sounds like a pretty positive outcome, particularly since it’s Superdog Charlie. We all know that he will give it everything in his power to keep on keeping on. We will be thinking of you.

    Kathi and Murphy

  5. fetchon3 says:

    Ok, you’re right. It still could be a lost worse. Paws crossed for continued “decent” news in this battle against OSA. Celebrate the weekend!
    ~ Katy & Jackson

  6. Tucker and I will continue to keep our fingers and paws crossed until Charley and you are through this next hurdle.

    Isn’t it wonderful when a lump turns out to be fat cells….Tuck has had his share of those!

    Hugs and prayers

    Linda and Tucker

  7. Anita McDermott says:

    Sounds like better news than you had before. Continued prayers for a great outcome, an uneventful surgery, and recovery.

  8. Liz Masi says:

    I’m so happy for you and Charlie! Prayers and loving wishes for you both! Great job Charlie! Such a strong, courageous doggie!

  9. jerry says:

    Charley, you can beat anything I just know it. Whatever happens next, you will conquer the scary parts like nobody else can. I hope things go very, very well and you keep on beating that cancer like always. Here’s to YOU kid, you are my hero.

  10. Kristina says:

    Like you said, Charley hasn’t followed the predictable course, so why start now?! He can beat this! Sending prayers for strength and healing : )

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