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***ONLY 1 DAY LEFT!***  Ends tomorrow, Sunday February 8, at 10pm CST!


185 shirts and hoodies have already sold!!!  YAY!  YIPPEE!! WOO HOO!!! Let’s try for 200!!!  We can do it!!! 


Thank you for all of your support for CANINE CANCER WARRIORS!  I’m keeping the amount that’s been raised so far a secret, but after the campaign is over and the profits are calculated I will share the total raised for Bone Cancer Dogs, Inc.


In honor of Charley and all of the Canine Cancer Warriors who are currently fighting the biggest battle of their life and in memory of those who have earned their angel wings!  100% of the profits…yes 100%…will be donated to help fund canine cancer ongoing trials and research! 1 in 3 dogs will be diagnosed with cancer. 50% of dogs over the age of 10 will die from cancer. Together we can ALL make a difference! ❤️ PLEASE SHARE!!! ❤️


Bone Cancer Dogs, Inc. has already funded 3 clinical trials.  100% of the profits from this campaign will be donated.  Since this campaign has been Donation Verified, all of the profits will go directly to Bone Cancer Dogs, Inc.  75% of all donations to Bone Cancer Dogs, Inc. go directly toward funding of specific research directed toward canine osteosarcoma.  The remaining 25% are used to support the organizations’s insurance, federal and state requirements, and the website.


Human cancer trials are first done on dogs because dog’s get the same cancers as we do and a dog’s system responds to cancer the same way ours does!  Many of the cancer trials on dogs go on to become standards of care in humans, so more trials are needed.  Osteosarcoma (bone cancer), which Charley has, mostly occurs in children and young adults and the prognosis is poor.  Unfortunately treatment options and success rates haven’t changed much in 20 years, but with more clinical trials hopefully this will change in our lifetime!


The statistics are startling!  1 in 3 dogs will develop cancer in their lifetime and 50% of dogs over the age of 10 will die from cancer.  Believe me, I didn’t know either and I was ignorantly living in bliss until Charley was diagnosed at age 2-1/2 with bone cancer.


Here’s pictures of the front and back of the shirt I designed.  The shirt is available in a short sleeve tee, long sleeve tee, hoodie and a women’s fitted tee and they come in a variety of colors.


front back



In honor of Charley and all of the Canine Cancer Warriors who are currently fighting the biggest battle of their life and in memory of those who have earned their wings, please consider buying one of these super cool tees or hoodies! 100% of the profits will be donated to help fund canine cancer ongoing trials and research!


I know most of you are dog lovers.  Many of you have had a personal experience with canine cancer or know someone close to you who has.  Dog lovers have lots of doggie lover friends who know other doggie lover friends.  Even if you don’t want to buy a Canine Cancer Warrior Shirt, PLEASE SHARE !!!   Together we can ALL make a difference!  


Here’s the link to share:


Never give up hope!  My hope is that one day there is a cure for this dreaded disease….


Sending lots of positive thoughts and prayers to all of you and your furry babies!


Thank you for all of your prayers, positive thoughts, hugs, and kisses.  It is greatly appreciated and we can’t thank you enough for all of your support!


  Hugs from me and chocolate Labby kisses from Charley!  xoxo  ♥





Happy Memorial Day from Charley!

Memorial Day is a time to honor America’s Heroes.  Remember those who served.  All gave some, and some gave all.


Thank you to all who have served, both human and K9!


Have a happy and safe holiday weekend!





Charley poses for pictures for treats…he obviously was done waiting!




2014 Memorial Day Tribute – American Soldiers and Their K9s


Thank you for all of your prayers, positive thoughts, hugs, and kisses.  It is greatly appreciated and we can’t thank you enough for all of your support!


  Hugs from me and chocolate Labby kisses from Charley!  xoxo  

I know a few of you have asked about Charley’s protocol for his OS, so here it is.  Charley is a 5 year old Lab who weighs 65 pounds.  He was diagnosed with OS in his left proximal humerus at 2-1/2 years old.  He had his left front leg amputated followed by 5 rounds of carboplatin chemotherapy (1st chemo was on day 13 post op) every 3 weeks.

Here is my disclaimer about Charley’s protocol:
Every dog is different and no two cancers act exactly the same (even when comparing OS to OS, lymphoma to lymphoma, etc.).  I still tweak Charley’s protocol and nothing is written in stone.  Some pups tolerate lots of supplements without any issues and others don’t….meaning too many supplements is not always a good thing.  You have to do what works for you, your dog (or kitty), your family, your finances, etc.  🙂  Most importantly is to remember to NEVER GIVE UP HOPE!!!

Since Charley is 2-1/2 years post dx of osteosarcoma and we did amputation, followed by 5 rounds of carboplatin chemotherapy every 3 weeks….this is one of the main reasons why I don’t give artemisinin daily now.  I did give artemisinin almost daily for 6 months before going to a several times a week.  We still see Charley’s oncologist every 6 months for chest x-rays and an exam (the onco does not recommend doing blood work until he’s in his senior years).

Charley’s Protocol (65 pound, 5 year old male Lab):

Charley eats Orijen Six Fish kibble 3x day and we give Charley bottled water, not tap water because of the fluoride.

Breakfast: 7:00am
-20mg generic pepcid about 20 minutes before breakfast
-Orijen Six Fish Kibble 3/4c
-500mg of Vitamin C (Esther C)
-400iu of Vitamin E
-Berte’s Green Blend (; dosing on container by weight
-(1) K9 Immunity Plus Chew

Lunch: between 12-2pm
-Orijen Six Fish Kibble 1/2c
–Berte’s Ultra Probiotics (; dosing on container by weight
-(2) 1000mg of fish oil
-(1) K9 Immunity Plus Chew
***non-arte days: Berte’s Immune Blend (, dosing on container by weight

Dinner: between 5:30-6:00pm
-20mg generic pepcid about 20 minutes before dinner
-Orijen Six Fish Kibble 1/2c
-(2) 1000mg of fish oil
-(1) K9 Immunity Plus Chew

Arte nights: given between 10:30-11:00pm)
-Charley get artemisinin with or without Artemix 2-3x/per week in Philly Cream Cheese
-200-300mg of artemisinin along with 4 Butyrex.
-I add 1-2 Artemix to the artemisnin and Butyrex at least 1 of those 2-3x per week.

*Charley does not tolerate the fish oil at the 6500mg range and he gets the runs (based on the recommendations for cancer of 1000mg per 10 pounds), so he gets 4000mg/day.


Love, Hugs and Chocolate Labby Kisses from Ellen and Charley  xoxo


Charley survivor1

Charley had his 2-1/2 year osteosarcoma follow-up with his oncologist, Dr. Buss, this past Thursday April 18, 2013.

Drum roll please……..

Charley’s chest x-rays were clear!!!  YIPPEE!!!!  YAY!!!!  WOO HOO!!!!  Dr. Buss said he’ll see us in 6 months, which is Charley’s 3 Year Ampuversary!

THANK YOU ALL for your support and keeping Charley in your thoughts and prayers!!!

♥  We are so thankful and grateful, but saddened that so many dogs lose their cancer battle way too soon into their journey. 

Hugs from me and chocolate Labby kisses from Charley!  xoxo


In case you are wondering where Charley got his cancer survivor collar….Charley is wearing a Dublin Dog Eco-Lucks collar that is made from 100% post consumer plastic bottles.  He’s had this collar for over 2 years and it is holding up great (we do alternate his collars frequently).  The collar also comes in green and blue.  Here’s the link if you are interested:  eco-Lucks Fightin’ Red Collar

Charley’s 5th Birthday Pawty!!!

Hi everyone!  It’s me, Charley!  I’m sneaking on my mommy’s ‘puter again since she is isn’t looking….

I had a great time at my birthday pawty a few weekends ago!!!  It was a double birthday pawty…I turned 5 and my Grandpa turned 73!  I can’t wait until I’m 73 because I bet I would gets TONS of presents and treats considering the amount I got for turning only 5!

My mommy made me a meat cake again!  I LOVED it!!!  I almost ate the whole thing….until my mommy and daddy pried the last piece out of my mouth.  They were talking about me eating too much and getting sick and puking.  HELLO?!?!?  Don’t they realize that I am a Labrador Retriever and one of my bestest skills is eating, then tripawd counter surfing, and finally retrieving…. in that exact order!

Mommy’s Meat Cake Recipe:

  • 1-1/2 pounds of lean ground beef, 1 pack of frozen spinach, 2 eggs, 1/2 of a medium container of full fat cottage cheese
  • Mix ingredients together and pat into a spring-form pan
  • Bake at 350 degrees until done and pop it out of pan once cool
  • Ice with regular Philly Cream Cheese
  • Decorate with turkey bacon (or real bacon)
  • Eat!!!


Here’s some pictures of me from my birthday pawty!!!

Hugs and chocolate labby kisses from Charley  xoxo


       Seriously, mom?!  How many of these do I have to pose for?


Charley 5bdy1Charley 5bdy


                My yummy Meat Cake!!!



Charley #5 cake

          Aren’t I so handsome!!!                       I’m smiling pretty!

Charley 5bday Charley 5bday1

         Please???  I’m waiting so patiently to eat my cake!!!           

Charley 5bday2 Charley 5bday3

         Yummy!!!                    I’m eating fast before it’s taken away!

Charley 5bday4Charley 5bday5

      I love pawties, but I’m worn out!!!

Charley 5bday6


CHARLEY, 5      ~~~  The Birthday Boys  ~~~      Ben (my dad), 73


Charley 5bday9 Charley



Since the weather here has been really nice (mid 70’s), my mommy has been taking lots of pictures of me.  I don’t mind getting my picture taken because I get lots of yummy treats!!!

My mommy and daddy especially love it when I run super fast.  They are always telling me to slow down ’cause I’m gonna do a face plant but I don’t care….I just pop right back up on my 3 legs.

My mommy always says. “Charley, you run like the wind!” and  “Charley, slow down!  You only have one speed…FAST!”  So in honor of my mommy, here are some cool action shots of me RUNNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hugs and chocolate kisses from Charley!  xoxo

Chocolate Kisses is brought to you by Tripawds.