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***ONLY 1 DAY LEFT!***  Ends tomorrow, Sunday February 8, at 10pm CST!


185 shirts and hoodies have already sold!!!  YAY!  YIPPEE!! WOO HOO!!! Let’s try for 200!!!  We can do it!!! 


Thank you for all of your support for CANINE CANCER WARRIORS!  I’m keeping the amount that’s been raised so far a secret, but after the campaign is over and the profits are calculated I will share the total raised for Bone Cancer Dogs, Inc.


In honor of Charley and all of the Canine Cancer Warriors who are currently fighting the biggest battle of their life and in memory of those who have earned their angel wings!  100% of the profits…yes 100%…will be donated to help fund canine cancer ongoing trials and research! 1 in 3 dogs will be diagnosed with cancer. 50% of dogs over the age of 10 will die from cancer. Together we can ALL make a difference! ❤️ PLEASE SHARE!!! ❤️


Bone Cancer Dogs, Inc. has already funded 3 clinical trials.  100% of the profits from this campaign will be donated.  Since this campaign has been Donation Verified, all of the profits will go directly to Bone Cancer Dogs, Inc.  75% of all donations to Bone Cancer Dogs, Inc. go directly toward funding of specific research directed toward canine osteosarcoma.  The remaining 25% are used to support the organizations’s insurance, federal and state requirements, and the website.


Human cancer trials are first done on dogs because dog’s get the same cancers as we do and a dog’s system responds to cancer the same way ours does!  Many of the cancer trials on dogs go on to become standards of care in humans, so more trials are needed.  Osteosarcoma (bone cancer), which Charley has, mostly occurs in children and young adults and the prognosis is poor.  Unfortunately treatment options and success rates haven’t changed much in 20 years, but with more clinical trials hopefully this will change in our lifetime!


The statistics are startling!  1 in 3 dogs will develop cancer in their lifetime and 50% of dogs over the age of 10 will die from cancer.  Believe me, I didn’t know either and I was ignorantly living in bliss until Charley was diagnosed at age 2-1/2 with bone cancer.


Here’s pictures of the front and back of the shirt I designed.  The shirt is available in a short sleeve tee, long sleeve tee, hoodie and a women’s fitted tee and they come in a variety of colors.


front back



In honor of Charley and all of the Canine Cancer Warriors who are currently fighting the biggest battle of their life and in memory of those who have earned their wings, please consider buying one of these super cool tees or hoodies! 100% of the profits will be donated to help fund canine cancer ongoing trials and research!


I know most of you are dog lovers.  Many of you have had a personal experience with canine cancer or know someone close to you who has.  Dog lovers have lots of doggie lover friends who know other doggie lover friends.  Even if you don’t want to buy a Canine Cancer Warrior Shirt, PLEASE SHARE !!!   Together we can ALL make a difference!  


Here’s the link to share:


Never give up hope!  My hope is that one day there is a cure for this dreaded disease….


Sending lots of positive thoughts and prayers to all of you and your furry babies!


Thank you for all of your prayers, positive thoughts, hugs, and kisses.  It is greatly appreciated and we can’t thank you enough for all of your support!


  Hugs from me and chocolate Labby kisses from Charley!  xoxo  ♥





6 Responses to “Calling all CANINE CANCER WARRIORS! 1 DAY LEFT!”

  1. Michelle says:

    I am sure eventually there will but until then I will do my part to help research. I bought 3 of these 2 t-shirts and a sweatshirt. I also give to the Morris Cancer foundation. I know a lot of my friends think I am nuts but can’t help it. I don’t want anyone else to have to go through what we did.

    Thank you for doing this Ellen. I hope our Chocolate Charley is doing awesome. Give him big hugs

    Michelle & Angel Sassy

    • Thank you Michelle and Angel Sassy! I agree with you that I would’t want anyone else to go through this. Charley is doing well. He has a met check this Thursday 2/12.

      Love, hugs, and chocolate Labby kisses,
      Ellen and Charley xoxo

  2. trituck says:

    Thanks for the reminder Ellen 🙂

    I have ordered my Tshirt and am looking forward to receiving it. I live in Southern Ontario (Canada) and was delighted to see that they will ship here.


    Linda and Tucker 🙂

  3. frodofromaus says:

    What a wonderful design you have done for a fantastic cause. I recently got my first greyhound and osteosarcoma worries me. I hope you make a lot of money for Bone Cancer Dogs so that we can get better treatments and cures for the future. Well done for your great effort.

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