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    ❤️ Charley, I carry your heart with me.  ❤️  ~ March 29, 2008 – June 3, 2015 ~   Charley earned his well deserved angel wings at 5:13pm.  He beat bone cancer 2x…for 4 Years, 7 months and 6 days.  He survived bone cancer and he beat the odds, but he couldn’t beat another […]

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  Charley celebrated his 4 Year, 7 Month Ampuversary on May 28th!!!   I can’t believe it’s been 1 Year, 7 Months since his OS met was removed!     Charley, you are and will always be our Bone Cancer Warrior, our hero, our inspiration and our miracle man!!!   We love you!  ❤️     […]

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  Being a mother doesn’t mean being related to someone by blood.  It means loving someone unconditionally and with your whole heart.   ❤️   Happy Mother’s Day to all of you!     ❤️  NEVER GIVE UP HOPE!!!  ❤️   Sending lots of positive thoughts and prayers to all of you and your furry babies!   […]

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  Charley saw his oncologist, Dr. Buss, this Thursday May 7th and it’s all good news!  Charley’s chest x-rays were clear (no mets) and Dr. Buss said Charley looks great!  YIPPE!!!  That’s a great way to celebrate Joe’s 40th Birthday too!  Charley is a 4-1/2 YEAR Bone Cancer Warrior and it’s been 1-1/2 YEARS since […]

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  Happy Happy Happy 4-1/2 Year Ampuversary Charley!!!   I can’t believe it’s been 1-1/2 years since your OS met was removed!   You are and will always be our Bone Cancer Warrior, our hero, our inspiration and our miracle man!!!   We love you!  ❤️   I’ve attached some pictures collage of my handsome […]

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  Hi everyone!   Sorry this post is a bit late, but Charley had a lot to celebrate last weekend!    Charley celebrated his 4 Year, 5 Month Ampuversary (17 Months post metastatic osteosarcoma tumor removal) on Saturday March 28th!  YAY!  YIPPEE!!  WOO HOO!!!       The big news is that Charley celebrated his 7th […]

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  Many of you asked and I listened!!!   CANINE CANCER WARRIORS has all new COLOR options for spring and summer!  These new shirts will be available until April 1st!     The short sleeve unisex ringspun tees were changed from Premium brand to Canvas Brand, which is higher quality shirt that came in more color options.  The colors available in this […]

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Happy Happy Happy 4 Year, 4 Month Ampuversary Charley!!!  YAY!  YIPPEE!!  WOO HOO!!!  I can’t believe it’s been 16 months since his metastatic OS tumor was removed!   I wanted to thank each of you for making CANINE CANCER WARRIORS a HUGE success again and it has relaunched for the 3rd time!   Shirts and hoodies will be available until […]

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  I wanted to thank each of you for making CANINE CANCER WARRIORS a HUGE success again!  Thank you!   A total of 228 shirts and hoodies were sold in the first campaign that ended on February 8!  Another 115 were sold in the campaign that ended yesterday, February 18!  I am truly amazed on […]

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  Last chance!!!  CANINE CANCER WARRIORS ends tomorrow, February 18, at 10:00pm C.S.T!!!   A total of 72 shirts and hoodies have sold so far!  YIPPEE!!!  Can we hit 100?   I have a goal in mind and I think it can be reached or at least we can come really close if a total of […]

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