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My mommy and daddy threw a “Survivor Pawty” for me for my 1 Year Ampuversary!!!  My ampuversary is also my grandma’s birthday so we had a dual pawty!  My grandma and grandpa came and so did my Uncle Andrew and Aunt Jaime from Peoria, IL.  I haven’t seen my uncle and aunt in awhile so I was super excited!!!  They got me a big red un-stuffed dragon toy with 16 squeakers (I haven’t figured out how to make them squeak though…my mommy thinks it’s because us labs have “soft” mouths–whatever that means).


My mommy made my my very own “Survivor Cake”.  It was sooooooo YUMMY!!!!  My mommy made it with 1-1/2 pounds of ground beef, 2 eggs, 1/2 container of cottage cheese and some garlic….it was basically a big meatball!  The icing was cream cheese with peanut butter writing…could it get any better than that?!  I  don’t know why they wouldn’t let me eat the entire cake that night….don’t they know I’m always hungry!  They’ve been rationing some out for me every day, but I’d rather just eat the whole thing!


I’m a smart boy and I was able to open my presents with my one front paw and my mouth.  I got lots of new toys to add to my huge collection.  I got the big red dragon, a llama, a lion, a polar bear, a spider and a witch.  My mommy says that I have more babies (animals) than Noah did on his ark!!!


Before I got to eat my cake I had to dress up in my Halloween costume for some pictures.  Any guess on what I was???  I was Super Tripawd!!!  In one of the pictures I look like I am going to take off in flight just like Superman!


I had so much fun at my pawty!


Hugs and chocolate Labby kisses from Charley!  xoxo


10 Responses to “My Survivor Pawty was Pawesome!!!”

  1. samsamsmom says:

    Awesome party Charley! The cake looks super cool….Sammy and Macklin wish they could share with you! You made out like a bandit with all the toys…quite a collection! I’ll bet you really can fly in the cape! Well, maybe not after you eat the meatball cake…that might weigh you down a bit…but after I bet you can!

    So glad you had fun! Xo Sue and Sammy

    • Ellen Venturella-Wilson says:

      Sammy & Macklin (and Sue),
      I’m still trying to fly now that I finished eating my meatball cake!!! Let’s hope that when I go to the oncologist on Thursday I am not at my “maximum density” as he has so lovingly told me before! I’ll share my cake and toys with you guys anytime!!!
      Hugs and chocolate kisses,
      Charley xoxo

  2. etgayle says:

    pawty, pawty, pawty!!!! what a great pawty!!! thanks for sharing the great pictures!

    charon & gayle

    • Ellen Venturella-Wilson says:

      Thanks Charon and Gayle!!! Us tripawds really know how to throw a pawty!!!
      Hugs and chocolate kisses,
      Charley xoxo

  3. maximutt says:

    Charley, you do like you’re about to take off flying! Congratulations on your One Year Ampuversary (and Happy Birthday to Grandma!)! Looks like it was a great party, I can tell you had such a wonderful time!
    PS: My husband thinks your cake sounded pretty delicious!!!

    • Ellen Venturella-Wilson says:

      Thanks Maximutt!!! My mommy and daddy tried a bite of my meatball cake and said it was yummy!!!
      Hugs and chocolate kisses,
      Charley xoxo

  4. rumblesmom says:

    Meat cake! What a great invention!

    Congratulations on One Year! Good for you!

    • Ellen Venturella-Wilson says:

      Thanks Rumblesmom!!! Meat cake is the BEST invention ever!!!
      Hugs and chocolate kisses,
      Charley xoxo

  5. chilidawg says:

    What a pawsome pawty! Finchy wants to know if he can come next year, because St. Louis isn’t that far of a drive and he wants some meat cake! He said he’ll bring you some squeaky toys if you say yes!

    Jenna & Spirit Chili Dawg

  6. Ellen Venturella-Wilson says:

    Where do you and Finchy live???? I am always up for a playdate! My mommy even found a little pond just across the street so I can go swimming (you just have to get a bath before you are allowed back in the house!). I’d love to meet you Finchy!!!
    Hugs and chocolate kisses,
    Charley xoxo

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