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Hi everyone!


Sorry this post is a bit late, but Charley had a lot to celebrate last weekend! 


Charley celebrated his 4 Year, 5 Month Ampuversary (17 Months post metastatic osteosarcoma tumor removal) on Saturday March 28th!  YAY!  YIPPEE!!  WOO HOO!!!




The big news is that Charley celebrated his 7th Birthday on Sunday March 29th!!!  YIPPPPEEEEEE!!!!!!!  We never thought we’d get the chance to celebrate 7 wonderful years with him after being diagnosed with Osteosarcoma at age 2-1/2.  I made Charley his favorite meat cake and he was so excited.  He was being so good waiting patiently to get to taste his cake while I took pictures.  Because Charley could polish off the entire cake in <5 seconds, I just cut him a piece instead and he’s been eating it all week as a bonus!  






My brother came in town on Saturday for a small party for my dad’s 75th Birthday, which was on April 1st,  at one of his favorite restaurants and then we celebrated my dad’s birthday again on Sunday with Charley.


Enjoy the pictures from Charley’s ampuversary and his birthday, my dad’s birthday picture with my parents and brother, my dad and Charley, as well as the video of Charley opening his present!






CANINE CANCER WARRIORS ended on April 1st and sold 18 tees.  Bone Cancer Dogs, Inc. will be receiving a check from Teespring for about $177.00, which brings the grand total that was raised for Bone Cancer Dogs, Inc. (BDC) to $7766.00!!!  YAY!  I am amazed that this much money has been raised since the end of January!  Thank you to everyone who supported this campaign!  I greatly appreciate it!  My plan is to hopefully do another campaign in the fall to raise money for BCD. 



Thank you to everyone who voted for Charley in the Karma Collars contest!  Charley won 1st place and he got to pick out whatever collar he wanted.  He picked out the following collar in Tan leather and Brass hardware.  I definitely would have never spend $210.00 on a collar!  LOL!  🙂


NEVER GIVE UP HOPE!!!   Sending lots of positive thoughts and prayers to all of you and your furry babies!


Thank you for all of your prayers, positive thoughts, hugs, and kisses.  It is greatly appreciated and we can’t thank you enough for all of your support!


  Hugs from me and chocolate Labby kisses from Charley!  xoxo  ♥




One Response to “Big News! Charley celebrated his 7th Birthday on March 29th & his 4 Year 5 Month Ampuversary on March 28th!!!”

  1. love says:

    Happy Birthday, Charley!

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