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Charley had his 3rd (of 6) round of chemo, Doxorubicin, on Thursday 1/9 so now he is officially at the 1/2 way mark for chemo!  YAY!!!  Charley started taking Cerenia on Friday to help with any nausea or vomiting since Doxo is really hard on the GI system and so far, so good.


Dr. Buss thought Charley looked great and said he was “perfect” during chemo and he just layed on his side (although he’s an anxious maniac mess in the Lobby…go figure)!  Blood work again in 10 days and if his counts are fine for the 3rd time in a row, we won’t need anymore CBC’s done for his remaining chemos of Lomustine and Doxo!


Charley had so much fun playing on the snow last weekend!  St. Louis got close to 10-12″, so he had lots of snow to play in.  Unfortunately the “Polar Vortex” made the high temps Monday of -2, so his outside time had to be limited to less than 5 minutes or his paws would get too cold and he would hold up a paw.  I think he looks super handsome in his puffer jacket!


Here’s a few snow pics of Charley from Sunday!  The golden in the one picture is our neighbor, Louie!  Charley with 3 legs can run circles around Lou!  Charley steals all of Louie’s balls from him…when Charley sees their garage door open, he bolts over there goes into their garage roots through their children’s large storage container of balls and then helps himself to what he wants.  It’s quite embarrassing that Charley has about 10 tennis balls that are Louie’s and sweet Lou doesn’t mind.  I do take them back, but I swear Charley counts the balls and knows that I returned a few!  LOL!


Charley and our neighbor’s golden, Louie!

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Charley doing zoomies in the yard!  Notice Louie, the golden, way in the background! 🙂

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Charley running….

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….and running!

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Brr….it’s cold!  Charley’s eyebrows are starting to freeze!

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Charley doesn’t seem to be cold!

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Charley’s so happy that he’s smiling!

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Charley says, “The snow tastes so yummy!”

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My FAVORITE snow picture!

Charley 1.5.14


The is the last picture because he was getting ready to jump on me to tell me,  “Enough pictures, Mom!”

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…and a video!



Charley did a great job cheering on the Colts last weekend and this weekend, but since the Colts lost and won’t be advancing to the playoffs he’ll have to cheer on Peyton Manning with the Broncos!  Go Broncos!  Charley doesn’t have a Broncos jersey, but his Colts jersey is Manning jersey so that’s going to have to count!





Thank you for all of your prayers, positive thoughts, hugs, and kisses.  It is greatly appreciated and we can’t thank you enough for all of your support!


♥  Hugs from me and chocolate Labby kisses from Charley!  xoxo 

21 Responses to “Charley’s 1/2 way through chemo….and SNOW!!!”

  1. Michelle says:

    Yay Ellen & Charley. I am so glad to hear he is doing so well. Keep up the good work Charley. We are pulling for you to keep kicking butt like you are.

    Michelle & Angel Sassy

  2. benny55 says:

    Soooooo, of course, the computer isn’t pullmgup the pics right now! This tavlet frustrates me to no end! ESPECIALH when I kow have pitures and videos of Charle to see!

    At least I got to read about him…..and about Louie also! I LOVE the story about Charle going iinto poor Louie’s toy box! Precious!

    And half way through his treatment!! YAAAAAAAAAY Charley! We are cheering for you Charley…always have…always will!

    Oh YAAAAAY! I just scrolled up and the pictures are plugging in…be right back!

    So charmng in his red vest! And ALWAYS HAPPY and ALWAYS SMILING!!
    That boy ks dong GREAT, no doubt about it!!:-) 🙂

    I still say Charley should be a mascot for his football team! He looks like a Quarterback! Ready! Set! Hike!! TOUCHDOWN TEAM CHARLEY!!:-) 🙂 🙂

    Okay, I’m seeing the pics but the video is taking it’s time showing up! May have to check back later.

    We love you Charley! Leave at least one ball for Louie tomplah with, okay?

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  3. Such a wonderful update on Charley!

    Clearly he is loving life – snow, “sharing” balls with his buddy, Louie, and looking handsome as ever in his jersey!

    Keep up the good work – you have your own cheering section right here.

    Linda and Tucker

  4. Cindy says:

    Hi, Charley is so handsome. I have a 11 year old tri-pawd. Can you let me know where you got Charley’s puffer jacket? Thanks, and all the best.

    • Thank you Cindy! My mommy said she got my puffer jacket at Old Navy for my first winter about 5 years ago! My mommy wishes Old Navy still sold all the cool dog collars and clothes too…
      Charley xoxo

  5. labsrus says:

    Yeah for Charley! We are so proud of your progress. Half of the way through 6 rounds of chemo is a major accomplishment! We know you can do it and kick cancer’s butt! You are an inspawration to all dogs and tripawds. You were there to support our Hunter and we are here to support you. Lovely photos and great video Ellen!

  6. rica55 says:

    YEAH CHARLEY! Way to go, you are looking so so great and are such an inspiration!!!!!!!

    Erica & Jill

  7. maximutt says:

    Lookin’ good Charley!! Glad to hear you’re halfway done!! Love your puffer jacket!!!

  8. fetchon3 says:

    It’s nice to know that some other winter-loving pup also can’t stand the wicked cold temps! Jackson, part husky, would start to hold up paws and limp after about 5-10min outside. We know how awkward that is for our Tripawds!

    Yey on the chemo, Charley! YEY!!!! (BTW – I think your tennis ball antics are cute, sweet, entitled, and perfectly OK with your neighbor pal who doesn’t seem to mind. That’s a nice neighbor!)
    ~ Katy & Jackson

  9. wyattraydawg says:

    DUUUUDE! I am SO JEALOUS! I love snow too but my people don’t and they got me here in the desert where it’s sunny and hot and that just ain’t RIGHT in January you know what I mean? I’m about to have a Snow Dawg Revolution! Will you help me get it started?

    Congrats on kicking cancer’s butt my friend. You are my hero!!

  10. Love these photos and video!! What a great tripawd!!

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