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We had Charley’s appointments this afternoon with Dr. Luther (surgeon) and Dr. Buss (oncologist).


Charley’s staples were removed…Yay!!!   Dr. Luther was excited that she got clear margins and after explaining to us how she had to cut the tumor out by feel and by using the CT imaging, it is amazing that she got clear margins especially since the tumor was around his Brachial Plexus (the nerves and arteries for his missing front leg that come off his spinal cord).  Dr. Luther gave us a tour of the facility which included the ICU, chemo room, Ultrasound, x-ray, and surgical suites (just got to peek through the outer windows).  It was very cool to get to see all the “behind the scenes”.  I asked if I could see Charley’s CT scan, so Dr. Luther brought Joe, Charley and I to her office and she went through the entire scan with us level by level which was really cool!   I gave Dr. Luther a big hug when I was leaving and thanked her for doing such a great job with Charley (twice)!


Now, on to the oncology visit…..


Dr. Buss does not think the tumor was a hemangiosarcoma, nor was his original leg tumor.  He believes the tumor that was removed was an osteosarcoma metastasis…..specifically, Telangiectatic OS…..from his primary OS tumor that was in his proximal humerus (removed in October 2010).


There was an area near the bottom of Charley’s incision site that had scabbed over.  Once the scab was removed to get to the staples, the incision was open.  Since the incision was open, Charley was not able to start chemotherapy today.  He will have his 1st chemotherapy next Wednesday 11/27, which will be i.v. Doxorubicin.  His next chemo will be 3 weeks later and it will be the oral chemo Lomustine.   Charley will alternate between the 2 chemos every 3 weeks for a total of 6 rounds (Doxorubicin, Lomustine, Doxorubicin, Lomustine, Doxorubicin, Lomustine).


Dr. Buss said that we can continue giving Charley the Immunity4Pets and Artemisinin/Artemix during chemo, so we will continue with his holistic regimen too.


Here’s your oncology lesson of the day:


Subclasses of osteosarcomas are determined based on the characterization of the cells as well as the type and amount of matrix present.  Subclasses include osteoblastic, chondroblastic, fibroblastic, poorly differentiated, and telangiectatic osteosarcomas; however, there is no evidence of different biological behavior between the subclasses.


Telangiectatic osteosarcoma is an unusual variant of osteosarcoma, forming 3% to 10% of all osteosarcomas.  Radiographically, these tumors appear as purely lytic destructive lesions located in the metaphyses of long bones.  The location and x-ray appearance of telangiectatic osteosarcomas are reminiscent of an aneurysmal bone cyst and can test the acumen of a diagnostic radiologist. Distinguishing between the two entities microscopically can also be quite challenging. Telangiectatic osteosarcoma shows dilated blood-filled spaces lined or traversed by septa containing atypical stromal cells, with or without production of a lacelike osteoid matrix.



Charley is and will always be our hero….our Super Dog, our Cancer Warrior, our miracle boy.  He has defied the odds for over 3 years and he has no plans to quit now!  We will continue our fight traversing down the familiar chemotherapy path again!


We will pray for a miracle and hope for the best!


We will pray that Charley’s journey here is far from being over, that he has many more people to inspire and bring hope to, and that he has plenty of life lessons still to teach us.


We’re not finished fighting and either is Charley.  We will continue this battle with Charley as long as he wants to fight!


Thank you for all of your prayers, positive thoughts, good karma, hugs, kisses, etc.  It is greatly appreciated and we can’t thank you enough for all of your support!  We couldn’t go down this road alone….and again….without all of you!


And most importantly, Charley is back to his Happy Labby self….and boy did we miss that smiling face!  He’s back to counter surfing, stealing food, barking loudly, jumping on the furniture, bringing us his babies, and he’s even started to do his “zoomies” again!


♥  Hugs from me and chocolate Labby kisses from Charley!  xoxo 


Charley cancer costume

Charley survivor1


22 Responses to “Charley Update – Oncology Visit and Plan!”

  1. fourminipups says:

    Charley- we will be beside you for every treatment and thinking our most pawsitive thoughts. Stay strong!

    Luanne and Spirit Shooter

  2. rica55 says:

    wow thanks for all that info! I really do love reading about this stuff. Sounds like Charley is in GREAT hands. Jill was treated with doxorubicin (alternating with carbo), so if you have any questions about it, ask away – she sailed through it, her white blood cells actually did much much better on the doxy than the carbo!
    Keep up the great work Charley we’re all rooting for you!

    Erica & Jill

  3. Dakota Dawg says:

    Sounds like a great plan, and also is wonderful that no hidden surprised popped up. As far as oncology visits go, this was a good one!

    Ok Charley, do this thing and then have a boring life, ok? A nice, easygoing, lazy life with no more excitement!


  4. benny55 says:

    And best of all, Charley’s back to his “zoomie” self, counter serving, juping’on furniture, etc.!

    No mre surgeries! And it’s good that the iv is given every other third week with just a pill ibetween.

    Didn’t understand the medical jargon, but understood copletely Charley is hishappy, barking Labby self:-) 🙂

    We LOVE YOU CHARLEY!! And love heals!!

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  5. mistysmom says:

    I wuv him!!! Are his lungs still clear?

    • Thanks! Yes, his lungs are still clear! X-rays and then CT scan confirmed that too…so there is some good news in all of this! 🙂

      Hugs and chocolate Labby kisses,
      Ellen and Charley xoxo

  6. Joanne says:

    Wonderful news, Ellen! So glad to hear all is well and Charley is back to his normal labby self. Good to know he’s clear on all counts. S happy for all of you.

    Joanne and angel summit

  7. Christine says:

    I don’t know if you realize.. but let me tell you.. even if others have told you… how HELPFUL and INFORMATIVE your posts and descriptions are to anyone who is going through kicking cancers ass with their furbabies…
    P{aqwrents can read your posts and learn from it.. and ask questoins to their own vets etc on what they have read…
    Thank you… for sharing Charley’s story..
    now.. onto the more important stuff…
    You rawk dude.. I’m so glad that you are your slobbery old self.. and so glad that you are clear, clean and ready to go for many many many more years!!!!
    I’d give ya a slobbery kiss back.. but the hair and all on the tongue.. well,, you know.. it’s not a great feeling..
    so… just a *hug*.. or maybe two.. *hug* *hug*
    Christine….. with Franklin in her heart♥

  8. lorimomofasaint says:

    Ty for the update and info. Charlie is truly a hero!
    Lori and St. Chuck

  9. Thank you for the update and for the wonderful information. I hope it is ok to share this with others who love Charley and would be interested in the information. I know your roller coaster ride will help so many others to fight and not give up.

    I am glad our special hero is doing well and the margins were clean. You go Charley Ellen and Joe. You 3 are the best.
    Chris with high paws from Ernie and Tessa.

  10. Michelle says:

    Ellen & Charley,
    I am so so glad you had a great visit and got to tour everything and have a great plan. We know that you both will continue to put all your good energy to fighting and healing. I am so glad there weren’t any surprised with the diagnosis. Awesome description & learning tool for the subclasses of diagnosis.

    Michelle & Angel Sassy

  11. jerry says:

    Wow Charley, I’m sorry you got stuck with another nasty battle but I know you can beat this thing. What a great team you have on your side, how can you not beat it with them working hard on your side?

    We sincerely appreciate your Momma’s taking the time to report back such great detail; doing so will help others when faced with this situation (we hope nopawdy ever has to but if so, you are helping them, isn’t that kewl?!). Would it be OK if we shared this post in our news blog? If so have your Momma email us OK?

    Hugs and hugs and hugs to you CANCER HERO! Keep kicking butt you rock star!!!

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