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Charley’s Halloween costume is “Superman Cancer Warrior”.  It’s amazing how white electrical tape and a lot of cutting can transform an off the shelf costume into something wonderful!


Charley's costume 10.26.13


We took Charley to a local pet boutique, Treats Unleashed, and he won 1st place in their costume contest.  Here’s some pictures of Charley sporting his costume!

Charley-Superman Cancer Warrior2Charley-Superman Cancer Warrior1Charley in costume 10.26.13

We felt that a family portrait was in order since it was a special day for all of us!

3 of us1 10.26.13

Charley was so proud of his 1st place prize!

Charley won-10.26.13


We had planned to have Charley’s 3 Year Ampuvesary Party and my mom’s Birthday Party together yesterday, but instead we had a change of plans and we only celebrated my mom’s birthday yesterday.  Monday, October 28th, which is Charley’s actual 3 Year ampuversary is when we decided to celebrate his special day.  Monday is also the day we should get the pathology report back on the aspirate from his new cancer “lump”, so we thought we’d celebrate his 3 Year Ampuversary and “Cancer Warrior” status that day regardless of the results!


This Thursday, October 31st, Charley’s has surgery scheduled to remove his new cancer lump (pending the path results).  We thought since Thursday is Halloween, he’d wear his “Superman Cancer Warrior” costume into the surgery center that morning as a “pawsitive” omen…and to show that he is going to battle!!!


Charley Halloween collage


We’re still praying that Charley has an operable soft tissue sarcoma so he can continue on his journey of hope inspiring others and proving that OS doesn’t have to be a death sentence and that you can live happily with cancer!!!


Thank you for all of your prayers, positive thoughts, hugs, and kisses.  It is greatly appreciated and we can’t thank you enough for all of your support!


  Hugs from me and chocolate Labby kisses from Charley!  xoxo 



8 Responses to “Charley aka “Superman Cancer Warrior””

  1. jerry says:

    Ohhhh Charley, you should take that costume from store to store, you could score a ton of loot!

    Your pawrents sure are creative Super Charley.

    And hoppy birthday to your Momma!!!!! Looks like a fantastic day. Stay pawsitive my friend, I know you’re doing a great job of it. Love you!

  2. benny55 says:

    CHARLEY!!!!!!! CHARLEY!!!!!!! I’m crying over here and I’m not even sure why!!

    I’m just sooooo touched by you! I’m just sooooo proud to be on this journey with such a wonderful soul!! You are such a hero to all of us!!

    THAT COSTUME!!!!! OMD!!! It is the finest costume in the entire Universe!
    And you wear it so well! You make anything look good though! Your mom put together a brilliant symbol of strenth and courage and hpe AND victory for you!

    Heckyeah we’re celebrating YOUR three year ampuversary Monday…it’s YOUR day! Happy Virthday to your Grandma…..but…well…we’re glad se’s letting you have YOUR ampuversary all to yourself!

    Your pictures are ADORAVLE!! I keep scrolling back up while I’m writing tis just to look at them o I can smile some more! And you’re smilingin everyphoto! You actually seem to “smile for the camera”! Hey, you’ve got a good looking set of pawrents too!

    I just LOVE this entire post! Yeah, I just fifured it out…I’m shedding tears of joy because everything about you is so joyous!! We love our Charley! Thak you for being you!! That sums it up!

    Will be looking for your post tomorrow!

    Love toyou and your packy Charley!

    PS…You’ve gotta’ post these pictures in tne forum so ore will see! It will make everyone smile!

    Sally and Happy Hannah

    • Awww!!! Thanks so much Sally and Happy Hannah! You made me smile tonight….and I haven’t smiled much today. I will post in the forums and keep you posted tomorrow with the news. Fingers and 3-paws still crossed!
      Hugs and chocolate Labby kisses,
      Ellen and Charley xoxo

  3. fourminipups says:

    You go Charley!! What an awesome costume. Sending the most pawsitive thoughts ever your way.

    Luanne and Spirit Shooter

  4. zeuspod says:

    Oh, Charley, SOOOO handsome. And yes, you are our Superman.

    Ellen, I’m sorry that I haven’t responded before now. I have seen the posts on here and on FB, and I must admit that I’ve been at a loss as to what to say. I desire to say something special and comforting to you but all I can muster is anger toward this cruddy disease.

    You have to know by now how much Charley means to all of us. He is the Hero, the Survivor, the Conqueror, that we looked up to as newbies who joined this site filled with fear and hurt. As we battled alongside Charley, we fell in love with him in a way that only members of this community can understand. For those of us who have lost our Warriors, he is the adopted furbaby who holds a piece of our heart and makes us so very proud as he beats this monster.

    I guess my point is that you have a ton of prayers being sent up for Charley and a whole army of people standing with you guys right now. He has touched so many lives in a wonderful way. He is strong and so are you. I truly believe that this is a bump in the road and that Charley will jump right over this bump with that awesome grin of his.

    Lots of hugs,

    • Lisa,
      Wow! Your post brought me to tears! Thank you much for your beautiful words which give me strength. I am humbled to know that Charley is the adopted furbaby who holds a piece of everyone’s heart. Knowing that an army of people are standing behind us makes this battle a little bit easier. Thanks again, I truly appreciate your thoughtfulness and caring words.
      Hugs and chocolate Labby kisses,
      Ellen and Charley xoxo

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