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Happy 21 Month Ampuversary Charley!!!  You are our tripawd hero and everyday you make us so proud that you picked us as your mommy and daddy!  ♥ ♥ ♥

Our wish to you is that you continue your fight against osteosarcoma with the same strength, resilience, and determination that you have since your journey started.

Our promise to you is that you will never suffer and when you tell us that it’s time, we will bravely and lovingly give you your well-deserved angel wings.

Your mommy and daddy love you more than you will ever know!!!  ♥ ♥ ♥


Mommy & Daddy  xoxo

19 Responses to “Happy 21 Month Ampuversary Charley!!!”

  1. maximutt says:

    Happy 21 Months big guy!! Hope you have a great day with lots of treats and maybe even some swimming!!

  2. samsamsmom says:

    Oh Charley, well done! You are so amazing and so very special! Hope you are having a super fantastic summer! Lots of hugs from Boston! xoxo Sue

  3. colbasso says:

    Happy 21 months, Charley. This is wonderful news. Enjoy the day and many more to come.

  4. Codie Rae says:

    Yo Charley! You r.o.c.k. dude, even if ya are a lab!
    A BIG Happy Hippy Hoppy Ampuversary wish wingin’ its way to you from the Oaktown Pack.

  5. Sparky says:

    Dear Charley’s Mommy and Daddy

    In the pic Charley has a shirt that says “Cancer sucks!” Where can I get one of those?

    Becky and Sparky

  6. labsrus says:

    Wow Charley! That is a huge milestone in your fight against osteosarcoma! We can only hope that your fellow chocoolate labby Hunter can accomplish the same! Wishing you a day of celebration, love and treats!!

    • Thank you!!! I peeked at Hunter’s blog…he’s gorgeous! He has the same Super Tripawd costume that Charley has (he has pics of it in his blog too). Wishes to Hunter that he and Charley have many many many many more ampuversaries to celebrate!!!
      Ellen & Charley

  7. Chloes mom says:

    Hoppy 21 months! You are soo close to your 2yr mark like Chloe! Congrats and keep it up!

    -Nicole and Chloe

  8. rumblesmom says:

    Congratulations on your happy, hoppy day, Charley! You are kicking cancer’s butt! Yay!
    Rumbles is doing the boxer jelly bean dance in your honor here in New Jersey!

    • Thank you! I would luv to see Rumbles doing the jelly bean dance! Does that mean he gets to eat them too cuz I luv to eat?
      Charley…who knows how to do the Happy Labby Dance

  9. jerry says:

    Way cool Charlie! You’re so pawesome!!! Thanks for being here and helping to inspire so many folks. We are very hoppy for you and your pack. Chocolate kisses to all!!!!

    • Ellen Venturella-Wilson says:

      Thank you Jerry! My mommy and daddy are so happy and grateful that I can be an inspiration!

  10. Tina Turner says:

    This is my favorite picture of Charley! ??

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