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I’m sitting here wearing my new float coat waiting to go swimming.  I don’t mind wearing my float coat in the house because my mommy gives me lots of duck treats when I sit here and just look handsome!


My mommy stayed up way too late last night trying to find a safe place to take me swimming today, but she kept saying that St. Louis is not a very dog friendly city.  There are no ponds or lakes close to us that allow doggies to swim and it just makes me really sad.  🙁  I’m not sure why people won’t allow a 4-legged or in my case, a 3-legged, friend to practice the doggie paddle.


My mommy was going to sneak me swimming in a subdivision pond today, but it’s raining so that means no swimming and no park.  That’s fine with me because now I can just lay next to my mommy all day….one of my most favorite things to do, except for eating of course!!!  You know us labs, we love to eat!


A very special thank you to Sammy’s mommy and daddy for sending me his extra float coat that he wasn’t using.  That was pawesome!!!


Hugs and chocolate Labby kisses from Charley!  xoxo

10 Responses to “Want to go swimming???”

  1. AbbysMom says:

    Oh, be still my heart, Charlie… you look so handsome in your red coat!

    That sucks that there are no good places for you to go swimming. You should take the bus (Greyhound – it’s for dogs I think) and come see me and we can go to the bay at Fiesta Island. There you can swim all you want and I will run along in the water with you. We would have a good time.

    And then we could do some kissing.
    Big kisses,

  2. charleysmom says:

    I would love to take a Greyhound bus to come and see you, but they would have to stop often for playtime and potty time because St. Louis to San Diego is a long trip….I usually start whining after 30-45 minutes in the car because I’d rather be doing the labby butt wiggle than laying in the car.

    I love giving chocolate kisses too! I must admit, I’m only 3 and I never kissed a girl before.

    Hugs and chocolate kisses,
    Charley xo

    • AbbysMom says:

      Oh, um, I am only 2 and I have kissed LOTS of boys. And some girls. If you lived closer, I would give you some instruction/personal lessons!
      (I bet your mom is happy I don’t live closer… I get that a lot. Not sure why…)
      Big kisses,

  3. charleysmom says:

    Hee Hee! That’s funny! I guess at age 2 and 3 we’re teenagers anyway! I’ve kissed lots of human girls and boys and lots of boy doggies, but I have never met a girl dog. All my neighborhood peeps are boys!

    Hugs and chocolate kisses,
    Charley xo

  4. etgayle says:

    charley – looking good!!! don’t be going to the mississippi river, it’s too deep and fast!!!! hopefully you’ll find a swimming spot real soon – if you were closer you could come swim in our pool or in the tennessee river behind our house…the tva keeps the current down there. watch out for those girls!!

    charon & gayle

  5. charleysmom says:

    Charon & Gayle,
    No way I would let him swim IN the Mississippi. He was in a slough of the Mississippi which is like a pond that runs into a channel that runs into the river. I wanted to make sure I could actually rescue him if he didn’t swim so well.

    You are so lucky you having a swimming spot so close!

    Hugs and chocolate kisses,
    Ellen & Charley

  6. riosmom says:

    Charlie, you look like a model in your sporty Float Coat!

    Watch out for that Abby-girl — she’s a “take no prisoners” kinda gal.


  7. charleysmom says:

    Thanks Rio! I’ll watch out for Abby, but I still think she’s really cute and I was hoping to get a kiss!
    Hugs and chocolate kisses!

  8. Jane's Penny says:

    Hey there Charley!
    You look smashing in your new coat! Who’s this Abby girl? I couldn’t stand you kissing another girl when I’ve been saving all mine for you. You know we have great swimming here in Canada.
    xoxox you are still my Hero,

  9. Jane,
    I can still kiss you too!!! I have never kissed a girl so I’d love to kiss 2 girls! You know Abby from BCD, her mom is Jackie and they live in San Diego. Her mommy named her lung mets Boris and Natasha because mets are mean! Abby’s blog is pooch smooches.
    I would love to go to Canada! My dog food, Orijen, is made there so maybe we can visit the factory for some free samples cause I love to eat!!!
    Hugs and chocolate kisses,

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