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Yay!  Today is “Tri-Day”!!!  Every year, 3/3 is a special day that families of Tripawds celebrate their amazing 3-legged family members.  So here’s to honoring Charley!  He’s our hero, our 4 Year 4 Month Bone Cancer Warrior, and our miracle!  “Hoppy Tri-Day!”  ❤️ ❤️ ❤️


Since most of you are probably tired of the cold, snowy, and grey days of winter here are some pictures of Charley having fun in Cape San Blas, FL! Charley doesn’t let having only 3 legs keep him from doing anything!



Because of each and every one of you,  CANINE CANCER WARRIORS was a HUGE success for the 3rd time and a total of $1215.00 was raised!  YAY!  YIPPEE!!  WOO HOO!!!


If you add the $3647.00 from the 1st campaign, the $1907.00 from the 2nd campaign and the $1215.00 from the 3rd campaign, a TOTAL of $6769.00 was raised and directly donated to Bone Cancer Dogs, Inc. and it will go directly toward funding of specific research directed toward canine osteosarcoma!   That is  absolutely amazing!!!


THANK YOU!   THANK YOU!   THANK YOU!   Together we ALL made a difference! ❤️ 


If after you receive your shirt or hoodie and you love it and can’t live without another one in a different style or color, just go to the CANINE CANCER WARRIORS campaign and reserve another shirt or hoodie.  There are currently 5 reservations made.  If a total of 10 reservations are made, then CANINE CANCER WARRIORS will relaunch again and they will reprint.


Here’s the link for CANINE CANCER WARRIORS:


❤️ PLEASE SHARE!!! ❤️ 


CANINE CANCER WARRIORS was started to honor my Charley (4 Year, 3 Month Bone Cancer Warrior) and all of the Canine Cancer Warriors who are currently fighting the biggest battle of their life and in memory of those who have earned their angel wings!  100% of the profits…yes 100%…will again be donated to help fund canine cancer ongoing trials and research! 1 in 3 dogs will be diagnosed with cancer. 50% of dogs over the age of 10 will die from cancer.




NEVER GIVE UP HOPE!!!   Sending lots of positive thoughts and prayers to all of you and your furry babies!


Thank you for all of your prayers, positive thoughts, hugs, and kisses.  It is greatly appreciated and we can’t thank you enough for all of your support!


  Hugs from me and chocolate Labby kisses from Charley!  xoxo  ♥







I’m a few days late but Charley’s 47th Month Ampuversary was on 9/28, so Happy Belated Ampuversary!!!   YIPPEE!!!  YAY!!!  WOO HOO!!!   HIPHOP” HOORAY!!!


We are getting very close to celebrating 4 years on 10/28/14!  To put 4 years into perspective in Charley’s life, he was 2-1/2 years old when he was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma and he just turned 6-1/2 years old on 9/29.  On his 4th ampuversary, he will have spent 66.6% of his life as a Tripawd fighting cancer and it will be 1 year since having his metastatic OS tumor removed.  Pretty amazing indeed!  I can barely remember him having 4 legs.  This is why Charley is and will always be a Bone Cancer Warrior! 


To honor Charley’s AMAZING journey we have a BIG surprise for our boy!  Drum roll please…..


When Charley’s OS came back in October 2013, I promised him that I would take him to see the ocean to swim in the waves and run in the sand (living in St. Louis, MO he has never seen the ocean).  My parents, Joe, Charley and I are renting a mini van and driving 13++ hours to Cape San Blas, FL (It’s an inlet about 1 hr or so east of Panama City with the gulf on one side and St. Joe Bay on the other).  We rented a 2 bdrm house directly on the beach.  Cape San Blas is completely dog friendly with no beach restrictions…YAY!  Charley will be running in the powder white sand and swimming in the green blue gulf water!  He already has his own float coat to wear!  I hired a photographer to take sunset beach pictures of Charley and all of us too!  Long story short…it’s a surprise vacation for Charley! 

Charley survivor1


Charley LOVES his cow ears!  Every night around 7pm he will start bugging us for one…..if we don’t get him what he wants he will start barking!  Spoiled??  I say so and he deserves to be spoiled rotten!



Sending lots of positive thoughts and prayers to all of you and your furry babies!


Thank you for all of your prayers, positive thoughts, hugs, and kisses.  It is greatly appreciated and we can’t thank you enough for all of your support!


  Hugs from me and chocolate Labby kisses from Charley!  xoxo  



I am so excited because I went swimming twice this week!  I’ve had the best week ever!!!


My mommy and daddy didn’t think that I liked to swim before….silly parents….they just didn’t know that us labs like swimming in lakes and ponds, not swimming in swimming pools with slippery steps!!!


My mommy took me to a nearby pond to swim on Thursday.  It was a long hop to the pond and I was a bit too tired to hop all the way up the steep hill back to my house and had to take a few rest breaks.  I got to wear my new red float coat that Sammy gave to me too.  I had to figure out how to hop down the unstable rocks to get in the water with only one front leg.  I fell a few times and face planted, but I got right up again because that’s what us tripawds (you know…those of us with 3 legs) do!


My mommy and daddy took me back to the pond yesterday (this time I got a car ride there instead of walking…so much easier than hopping all the way there).  I wasn’t scared at all hopping down those rocks this time and I got right in the water.  My daddy was afraid that I was going to get hurt, but I kept hopping in the water and hopping out of the water by myself.  My daddy said that I was determined….whatever that means.


I had so much fun swimming!!!  I can swim really fast now and my new float coat makes it even easier for me to swim (Thank You Sammy!!!).  My mommy took lots of pictures and my daddy was videotaping me as I was swimming.  They kept saying how proud they are of me and how handsome I am!


Thanks mommy and daddy for taking me swimming!  I hope I get to go again soon!


Hugs and chocolate Labby kisses from Charley xoxo




I’m sitting here wearing my new float coat waiting to go swimming.  I don’t mind wearing my float coat in the house because my mommy gives me lots of duck treats when I sit here and just look handsome!


My mommy stayed up way too late last night trying to find a safe place to take me swimming today, but she kept saying that St. Louis is not a very dog friendly city.  There are no ponds or lakes close to us that allow doggies to swim and it just makes me really sad.  🙁  I’m not sure why people won’t allow a 4-legged or in my case, a 3-legged, friend to practice the doggie paddle.


My mommy was going to sneak me swimming in a subdivision pond today, but it’s raining so that means no swimming and no park.  That’s fine with me because now I can just lay next to my mommy all day….one of my most favorite things to do, except for eating of course!!!  You know us labs, we love to eat!


A very special thank you to Sammy’s mommy and daddy for sending me his extra float coat that he wasn’t using.  That was pawesome!!!


Hugs and chocolate Labby kisses from Charley!  xoxo

I went swimming for the first time last weekend and it was as a tripawd!  My mommy and daddy were worried….my mommy said there could be things hiding in the water and my daddy thought I would just swim in circles because I only have one front leg.  I proved them wrong again!!! Tripawds can do anything!

Charley 1st swim….and as a tripawd!!!

Chocolate Kisses is brought to you by Tripawds.