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Charley has his onocology follow up appointment tomorrow afternoon which include chest x-rays to check for lung mets.


It’s been 6 months since Charley’s metastatic osteosarcoma tumor was removed from underneath his amputation scar with clean margins and he finished his 6th and final round of chemo (alternating between Doxorubicin and CCNU) on 3/12/14, so any spare positive thoughts or prayers would be greatly appreciated!  🙂


I’ll update everyone as soon as I can.  Charley’s appointment isn’t until 3pm cst.


We’ll be keeping our fingers and 3-paws crossed for only good news!


Charley survivor1


Thank you for all of your prayers, positive thoughts, hugs, and kisses.  It is greatly appreciated and we can’t thank you enough for all of your support!


  Hugs from me and chocolate Labby kisses from Charley!  xoxo  

12 Responses to “Charley’s 3-1/2 year oncology appointment is tomorrow….”

  1. Michelle says:

    Charley, of course you are getting positive thoughts & prayers for tomorrow. We want you to continue to kick that ugly C in the butt to kingdom come.

    and 3 1/2 years is so awesome

    Michelle & Angel Sassy

  2. dina carino says:

    Sending good vibes your way.Lots of hugs&<3 to Charley.

  3. benny55 says:

    CHARLEY!! Your smile makes me grin ear to ear everytime I see it!! You look so handsome in your tee-shirt…fit, healthy, vibrant and happy!

    You’ve alreadyproven yoj dn’t care what any ole’ tests show! You just keep living your life to the fullest, staying in the moment, soaking up all that magnificent lovng and spoiling you so richly deserve!!

    The whole tripawd commnity has all paws crossed!

    And just remember, Happy Hannah is watching over you. No matter what tests show or dn’t show…you are very well protected by your special Guardians and they wn’t let anythingnharm you! So no worries, okay?

    Sending love to yo and Charley! Love you both!!

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  4. Good Luck Charley and his pawrents.

    Lots of prayers and pawsitive wishes coming from all of us here.


    Linda and Tucker

  5. fetchon3 says:

    Paws and fingers crossed! Scary day!!!!
    ~ Katy & Jackson

  6. Lisa says:

    Well done Charlie. I am just so pleased he has done so well. Cancer affects so many dogs and since we dont hear of that many success stories it makes my day when I hear one.

    I would love to have you share Charlies story on our forum if you would consider doing so. My own dog Frodo has his story on it and he went 4.5 years as a survivor of histiocytic sarcoma. Sadly he passed away over Easter due to poisoning from the plant known as Vinca or Periwinkle.

    Perhaps you could include a link back to this blog?

    Keep up the good work

    • Thank you Lisa! So sorry that Frodo made his journey to Rainbow Bridge. Godspeed Frodo. 4.5 years with histiocytic sarcoma is wonderful! I will try to visit your forum soon and share Charley’s story! 🙂

      Hugs and chocolate Labby kisses,
      Ellen and Charley xoxo

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