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Sorry it’s been a few days since I updated everyone.  No news is good news because Charley is doing well!  He finished his Rimadyl yesterday and he’s pretty much off of the Tramadol.  We did give him about 1/3 of a 100mg Tramadol last night because he couldn’t get comfortable.  We think the discomfort now is more due to the staples pulling when he moves.  Charley’s incision is healing well.


It was hard seeing Charley in a drug induced loopy state when he was on a higher dose of Tramadol and we really missed his personality and happy Labby self.  Fortunately we are now finally seeing a bit more of his personality and his tail is wagging a lot more.


Today is day 8 since surgery.  Here’s a picture from day 2 post surgery.  I love this picture because his face looks like a puppy (even though he looks a bit loopy)!
Charley 11.11.13


Here’s a picture of his incision from a few days ago on 11/14.


Charley incision 11.14.13
This Thursday 11/21 (day 13 post surgery) Charley has an appointment with his surgeon (Dr. Luther) to get his staples removed and immediately after that we meet with his oncologist (Dr. Buss) to hopefully start another chemo.  The pathology report isn’t back yet, but I will keep everyone posted as soon as we get the results.


Thank you for all of your prayers, positive thoughts, hugs, and kisses.  It is greatly appreciated and we can’t thank you enough for all of your support!


  Hugs from me and chocolate Labby kisses from Charley!  xoxo 


18 Responses to “Charley Update – 8 days post surgery!”

  1. Codie Rae says:

    Go Charley! Gald to hear all is going well on the recovery front. 13 pawz crossed here for B9 pathology!

    CR and the OP

  2. mistysmom says:

    Surgery site always looks soooo big. But I do love his photo! Love those puppy eyes <3

  3. fourminipups says:

    Keep feeling better Charley!

    Luanne and Spirit Shooter

  4. benny55 says:

    YES! Soooooo glad to hear he’s doing well! We’ve been wondering…………

    And he DOES look like a pupy face!! Now, if you could only get a dose of pupy breath out of him!

    Charley has the finest clothes in the land! He knows how to broadcast his message with style!!

    Keep on wagging’ Charley and givigus your Chocolate Lab Kisses!!


    Sally and Happy Hannah

  5. Michelle says:

    He looks great. Glad to hear he is doing well. I consider no news good news too. The incision site looks a really well. Keep kicking butt Charley.
    Michelle & Angel Sassy

  6. Doreen and The Brown Dogs +1 says:

    Sending lots of love to you and Charley. So glad he is feeling better. <3

  7. fetchon3 says:

    I’m glad that spark is starting to come back. Yippppeee! He’s still a cutie around here. HUGS to the whole pack.
    ~ Katy & Jackson

  8. Mare Bean says:

    Charley looks great as does his site!! So happy for you all!!! Keep us in the loop and be sure to reach out with any questions or concerns!!

  9. jerry says:

    You’ve got your puppy back Charley! YAAAAY!!!!

    I hope this week goes as smoothly and uneventful as the last. Keep it up!

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