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Charley has been getting around well since he’s been home and he’s not having any issues walking!   Charley was the rock star as always and within an hour of being home he wanted to eat and drink and then went outside and peed and pooped.  We didn’t have to wait long at all for the Happy Poop Dance!


Friday night was rough since Charley wasn’t sleeping much at all.  We tried having a slumber party on the floor, but Charley would not sleep for more than an hour at a time…so needless to say, we didn’t sleep at all either.  I spent quite a bit of time sitting with Charley overnight outside since he wanted to lay in the cold, wet grass.  He seemed happy, but I was rather cold!


Since none of us slept well at all, by Saturday we were all exhausted.  I brought up the x-pen that we used after his amputation and we blocked off part of the great room for Charley.  We put a comforter on the floor and his doggie bed inside hoping he would relax and fall asleep….and it worked.  We all spent Saturday napping.



Charley is on Rimadyl (50mg 2x/day) and Tramadol (75mg every 6-8 hours) for pain.  After his amputation, he had issues with Tramadol (100mg every 6-8 hours)….he was panting, having muscle spasms, looked anxious, yelping, etc. which is the reason that his dose is lower this time.  His weight on Friday was 64.01 pounds.


We noticed a big difference from yesterday (Saturday) to today (Sunday) with Charley.  Yesterday when it was getting close to the 4 hour mark after giving him Tramadol, he began panting and looking more restless and by the 5 hour mark he was definitely looking more uncomfortable.  Today, we’ve been giving Charley his Tramadol every 6 hours and he hasn’t been panting or looking uncomfortable even when it’s getting close to giving him the next dose.  Charley is acting more like himself which is quite amazing since his surgery was only 2 days ago!


Here’s a few pictures of Charley rocking his crop tops!!!

Charley 11.9.13

 Charley 11.10.13
Here’s a picture of Charley’s incision site at day 2.  It’s healing nicely with minimal swelling and no drainage whatsoever.



Thank you for all of your prayers, positive thoughts, hugs, and kisses.  It is greatly appreciated and we can’t thank you enough for all of your support!


  Hugs from me and chocolate Labby kisses from Charley!  xoxo 

46 Responses to “Charley Update – 2 days post surgery!!!”

  1. Nola's Mommy says:

    He look absolutely FANTASTIC! So happy for you guys! Sounds like he is doing very well! Sending lots of hugs and kisses! xoxoxoxo
    Heather & Badass Angel Nola

    • Thank you Heather and Badass Angel Nola!!!
      Hugs and chocolate Labby kisses,
      Ellen and Charley xoxo

      • Lori Bolton says:

        Wonderful news Ellen – what a relief….cancer sucks….We ran one of our greyhounds in today – thought our Dolly had a hemagio starting on her foot but it was an abrasion – whew…we just lost our Minnie in July to hemagio so I was real worried. She’s 12.

  2. trituck says:

    Charley looks great!

    Hope sleep is better for all of you…it makes a big difference!

    Linda and Tucker 🙂

  3. benny55 says:

    Oh good!! I’ve been checking in waiting for Charley’s update! Well worth the wait!!

    Charley, yoj are soooooo amazing!! You sparkle in your pictures! Other than the ncision site, you look jusg as gleeful and happy as befor the surgery!

    YOU ARE A ROCK STAR!! We’re proud to know a celebrity!

    Glad yoj all were able to get sme good rest Saturdy. Try and sleep inside now so your mom doesn’t jave to sleep on te cold, wet grass, okay? You are a very, very loved boy Charley!!

    So glad your recovery as been smooth and fast too!


    Love to all!

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  4. Michelle says:

    Charley is looking awesome. that incision looks great too. Keep kicking butt & fighting Charley. Love the tops too. Look at the sparkle in his eyes.

    Michelle & Angel Sassy

  5. Courtney says:

    Hi Ellen! It’s been a long time since I have seen you in our OT/ST parties with the triplets, but I wanted to say what an amazing little guy you have. I love to hear the updates with Charley and pray he is better very soon. Lots of prayers to you!!!

  6. Anita McDermott says:

    Looks good. Keep up that fight, Charley. You have a lot of people, animals, and Angels behind you.

  7. He looks great! Keep kicking cancer to the curb, Charley!

  8. Turbotailmurph says:

    You are my hero, Charley! All of this in just two days? Yep…Superdog!


  9. fourminipups says:

    Looking good Charley!! And yay for getting some naps in.

    Luanne and Spirit Shooter

  10. Jill says:

    Way to go Charley! Wishing you a speedy recovery!

  11. jerry says:

    You ROCK Charley! This is fantastic news, here’s 3-paws up for a great week ahead.

  12. Janelle says:

    Yeah!! Charley…. And go mizzou:)

  13. Mare Bean says:

    Yay Charley!!! So happy you are doing so well!! Keep up the awesome work and kiss your mommy!! I love your tops, you look great in them!!! Mare and Oliver.

  14. Joanne says:

    When Charley’s happy, we’re all happy! So glad for all of you, Ellen!

    joanne and angel summit

  15. Yay 🙂 So glad you are home and feeling good! Sending positive vibes your way!

  16. Christine says:

    so glad to read this update.. and so glad that he is letting you sleep now!! lol
    and of course, it’s great that you konw what to expect with his operation and recovering.. because we have all been there before eh?
    Wishing you a speedy, clean recovery Charley!!!!
    Christine….. with Franklin in her heart♥

  17. labsrus says:

    So happy to read your report and see happy photos of everyone’s favorite chocolate lab Charley!
    He looks like such a Champ!
    Wishing you continued success with his healing and a more normal sleep pattern for you all.
    Please keep us posted.

    Super Dog Angel Hunter is watching over you Charley.

    Love, Hunter’s pack

  18. Shelley says:

    Congratulations on your precious Charley’s quick recovery! I am so glad to see these results! We take my Murphy tomorrow for biobsy and most likely will schedule surgery later this week or early next……..I am so nervous but trying to be strong for my girl!! Keep us updated and so thrilled for you!

  19. Danica says:

    Wonderful update!!!

  20. Cathie says:

    It’s wonderful that Charlie is doing so well!

    Cathie and Poppy

    • Thank you Cathie and Poppy! Sending lots of positive thoughts and prayers to Poppy. I’m sorry that she’s going through a rough time.
      Hugs and chocolate Labby kisses,
      Ellen and Charley xoxo

  21. Tammy says:

    Charley looks awesome. Keep on rockin’ Charley. You are such an inspiration. You inspired my Azia. She’s an angel looking out for you.

  22. Kristina says:

    So glad Charley’s recovery is going so well! He looks so cute in his shirts! Praying for good results : )

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