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Charley’s Home!

Charley’s home!  I just wanted to update everyone and let you all know that he is doing well!


Charley has already peed and pooped!  Yay!!!  He’s had a little to eat and drink and keeps going back to his food bowl.  I’m sure he’s hungry since he hasn’t eaten all day, but I don’t want to give him too much and make him sick to his stomach.


He seems a little uncomfortable so we gave him his pain meds a little early to stay ahead of the pain.


We are all exhausted, but happy we are all at home together!


Thank you for all of your prayers, positive thoughts, hugs, and kisses.  It is greatly appreciated and we can’t thank you enough for all of your support!


  Hugs from me and chocolate Labby kisses from Charley!  xoxo 

Charley home

Charley home3

Charley home1

charley home4


24 Responses to “Charley’s Home!”

  1. maximutt says:

    We love you Charley! You are a very brave boy!!

  2. murphsmom says:

    Welcome home! You are amazing.

  3. Dakota Dawg says:

    Welcome home, Charlie! Make sure to rest a lot and don’t overdo. Of course, you know the drill! Keep us posted.


  4. Donna and Angel Selu says:

    Glad you’re home and looking so good, SuperCharley! Wishing you a speedy recovery and back to your normal antics soon. Please keep amazing us all and overcoming the odds!
    Donna and Angel Selu

  5. benny55 says:

    YAAAAAAY CHARLEY IS HOME! And heck yeah, you still get YAAAAAAYS for peeing and pooping and YAAAAAAYS for earing and drinking!!

    Charley, YOU come shining throughin these pnotos!! Drugged and just out of surgery, feeling a little pain AND STILL YOU’RE SMILING!!!

    And we’re all smiling with you! You’re home and all is well in Charley’s world!!

    Demand steak Charley! Trust me, you’ll get it!!

    Welcome home Charley, welcome home.

    Love and hugs,

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  6. fourminipups says:

    So glad youre home Charley. You are a strng and brave boy!

    Take care-
    Luanne and Spirit Shooter

  7. chilidawg says:

    Welcome home Charley! Rest well buddy!

  8. Danica says:

    Yeah!!! I’m so glad he’s home and doing well! Now comes the best part, snuggling, kissing him and soaking up the time with him during is recovery!

    Much love- Danica and Jake!

  9. trituck says:

    Glad to hear Charley is home and looked wonderful already!

    Linda and Tucker 🙂

  10. Teresa says:

    So glad The surgery is over and Charley’s home and doing so well! Been thinking about you and praying for good results! Now the healing – and even more spoiling can begin! :-))

    Take care-

  11. Michelle says:

    Glad to hear Charley is home. Rest and get well soon Charley.

    Michelle & Angel Sassy

  12. madjoe says:

    Yay Charley!!! Glad he’s home & doing well.

    Sue, Angel Joey & Angel Maddie

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