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Dr. Luther, Charley’s surgeon,  just called at 12:35pm CST and Charley is out of surgery.  The breathing tube has been removed and he is on a medication drip in the ICU and appears groggy, but comfortable.


The mass was not the prescapular lymph node as they suspected, but rather a separate mass next to that node.  Going outwards, the mass attached up to the skin through the fat and muscle along part of his amputation scar.  Going inwards, the mass went all the way to his brachial plexus (the area that contains his nerves and blood vessels that supplied his missing left front leg).


Dr. Luther was able to remove the entire mass that she could visualize using the CT scan.  She was able to get 2cm margins and she took off more of the already severed (from his prior amputation) brachial plexus, but she won’t know until the biopsy comes back whether there are cancer cells still along the nerves.  She did remove the prescapular lymph node that was next to the mass because it was enlarged and that will also be sent for biopsy.


She doesn’t know if the cancer started at the skin and went deeper internally…or if it started deeper internally and progressed towards the skin, and she doesn’t know if the biopsy will be able to tell us that.  She does still feel like this is an OS met and not another type of cancer and the biopsy will hopefully answer that question also.


The good news is that Charley is recovering and the mass is out.  We are not sure yet if Charley will be able to come home today because it depends on whether his pain can be controlled without a drip and with oral medications.  If we don’t here from MVRC by 4pm CST, then we need to call to find out the plan.  If they send a picture of Charley recovering, I will post that too!


Thank you for all of your prayers, positive thoughts, hugs, and kisses.  It is greatly appreciated and we can’t thank you enough for all of your support!


  Hugs from me and chocolate Labby kisses from Charley!  xoxo 


Here’s a picture of Charley recovering in the ICU.  He’s well taken care of! 🙂


Charley 11.8.13.


Charley cancer costume

34 Responses to “Charley is out of surgery…and the mass was not the lymph node”

  1. benny55 says:

    WHEEEEEEEEEEW!! A collective sigh of relief just started wi dstorms across the land!!

    GOOD NEWS!!! That’s the way I’m looking at it, because it could have been worse!! And she got clean margins!!

    And you kow what?? And I’m not minimizing when I say this, but Charley will sail throught whatever it is!! He’s CHARLEYfor goodness sakes!!!

    Sounds li,e recovery may be a little rough as this knda’ sounds pretty painful surgery! But you’ve both been through worse!!

    Okay, ow I can go to work! Thought I was gonna’ have to call and say I’d be late! But tis is a GOOD update!!

    Thank you for takng the time to keep us i formed!!

    YAAAAAAAY Charley!! We love you!! Speedy recovery, okay? You’ve got a lot of livi g to do!!

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  2. Yay 🙂 Wishing for a speedy recovery and a good prognosis from the biopsies!

  3. benny55 says:

    Oh, missed the ics the first time ’round! Can never have too many pics of Charley! He IS Super Cancer Warrior Survivor!! He IS!!

    That pic will make ya’ grin all year and straight into eternity!!

  4. weeder1 says:

    Thinking of you all! Good luck beautiful Charley xx

  5. Dakota Dawg says:

    Regardless of where it was or where it started, getting it out with good margins is the overriding concern. I’m glad that’s been accomplished.

    Charlies’s a fighter, as we all know, and he’s got youth and fitness and previous care on his side. You know, Ellen, that he is in the best condition he could be in for this, right? His physical condition is tiptop extra primo. I have faith and confidence that he’ll do well.

    And in the meantime, you keep us posted on test results. Just make sure to lay the love on thick so we can all give him virtual loves and get those chocolate kisses in return!


  6. chilidawg says:

    I am glad they got clean margins and that he is resting well 🙂 Charley is a fighter and he will come through like a champ! Give him a hug and kiss from me and the kiddos.


  7. Doreen and The Brown Dogs +1 says:

    I’m putting the energy out there that your body and free of any yucko stuff that can harm you.
    What an amazing story, and pup you are Charley. <3

  8. KB says:

    I’m glad he came through well, and that the mass is out with good margins. Charley is a fighter and has an amazing family behind him. Please keep us posted because many of us are watching, waiting, and cheering on Charley as he continues his incredible journey.

  9. labsrus says:

    Thanks for the update. I’m so glad he is out of surgery and recovering well. We will keep you in our prayers that the biopsies bring back good news! Hang in there and I hope Charley can come home soon XOXO

    Super Dog Angel Hunter and pack

  10. Danica says:

    So glad Charley is out of surgery. I can imagine how anxious your family felt. Praying for a quick recovery and good margins!!!

  11. fetchon3 says:

    Awww. He looks pretty high as a kite right now! Are we to interpret this as good news? Obviously the path reports will share more info, but for now, it reads like this is good news. Ooooh, Charley! You’re in our hearts and on our minds. BREATHE everyone. Breathe. HUGS to Ellen and family. HUGS to Charley – our superdog!
    ~ Katy & Jackson

  12. linda says:

    Hey Charley,
    You are one handsome Dude! We are all rootin for you. Just keep thinking you are healthy. Your family and friends love you so much, we all see you as healthy, playing and enjoying life. And we give thanks to God for his blessings to you.

  13. murphsmom says:

    You are a star, Charley, and you are our hero, too. Rest up now, so you can go back to being Superdog! Good Lab hugs going your way.


  14. Hope he heals up quickly and the news from the biopsy is all good!! Will be looking forward to hearing a good update!

  15. Michelle says:

    Thanks for this update. Keep fighting Charley. We know you can beat this. I am praying this is good news from the biopsy. Get well soon Charley.

    Michelle & Angel Sassy

  16. Chris says:

    I am happy it wasn’t as bad as they thought it could be, happy the surgery is over and you can all look forward to a long an happy life. All this happiness for you is marred by the anxious wait for the results.

    Thinking about Charley and his special family.

    Now look at that I spelt your precious boys name right for probably the 2nd time. lol.

    (((hugs))) Chris.

  17. jerry says:

    Sweet baby Charley, I’m so glad you made it out and you’ll be going home soon. So the news doesn’t sound terrible right? Whatever the path report says, I know you can handle it and will go on to live life to the fullest no matter what. Get well soon!

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