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I wish the news was better to share, but unfortunately it’s not.   I was waiting until Monday, 10/28, to post happy news about Charley’s big 3 Year Ampuversary, but I guess that wasn’t in the cards.


We just left the oncologist after Charley’s 3 year follow up for osteosarcoma…. and I just got done crying, for now.


Dr. Buss found a 3 cm hard lump that’s moveable close to Charley’s amptation site.  He aspirated it and he doesn’t like the look of the cells and it’s definitely a cancer.  He thinks it’s either a soft tissue sarcoma or an OS met.  We’ll find out tomorrow when he gets the pathology report back.


Best case scenario, it’s a soft tissue sarcoma and we can have it removed with clear margins and that’s the end of the story. Worst case scenario, it’s an OS met…and we have much bigger issues.


We go back Wednesday morning to meet with the surgeon as long as it’s a soft tissue sarcoma.  It would be an aggressive surgery to remove it since it’s close to his amp site and a lot of the tissue has already been removed, but we are willing if it’s a possibility.  We are not giving up on Charley now, just like we didn’t give up on him over 3 years ago.


The positive news if there is any is that Charley’s chest rads appeared clear, but we’re waiting on confirmation from the radiologist.


Please keep Charley in your thoughts and prayers.   I’m devastated…


Charley 34m2cancer sucksCharley survivor1Charley-favorite

42 Responses to “Charley…I wish the news was better”

  1. fetchon3 says:

    Oh man. I’m teary. This is my fear. You guys have gone for so long and are still so active here that these monthly reminders of hope keep me going. It’s a tough line – at what point does your heart and mind begin thinking “we’ve beat this thing. It’s behind us.”? I suspect that for at least the last 2 years, you guys have all thought cancer is gone, forever. To get struck with this? Is. Just. Awful. I hope, like you are too, it’s STS and not OSA. Damn it. Well, cry away, cry like a baby. Then rub your face in his fur and pick up that tennis ball, cuz it’s not over yet! PLEASE keep us posted – even if that means a forum post, too, as blogs quickly get shielded.
    ~ Katy & Jackson

  2. Karma says:

    Well, cr*p! I’ll send out all my best vibes that it is a soft tissue and removable. Charlie is such a great cheerleader for the group and super super handsome and cute! We need him to keep it up. Best of Luck. I hope to hear better news soon.
    Karma and the pack
    (Adelaide, Aissa, Mathilde, Morrigan, and our special angel Brendol)

  3. Michelle says:

    Damn it. (Sorry for cussing) that makes me mad. I HATE HATE cancer. I hope this is the less of the 2 evils. Praying for great results. Keep fighting Charley we are pulling for you.

    Michelle & Angel Sassy

  4. chilidawg says:

    Well crap. This was not what I wanted to read tonight 🙁 Sending pawsitive thoughts your way. If anyone can beat this Charley can. Chili Dawg and Finchy say they aren’t ready for Charley up at the bridge yet.

    Thinking of you tonite,

    Jenna and Buster (and spirits Chili Dawg & Finchy)

  5. Jill says:

    Dear Ellen,
    I am so sorry to heat this news. I’ve enjoyed hearing about Charlie over the years. Pepper had his amp right around the same time as Charlie, but his life ended only a few months later. You’ve been fortunate to enjoy three years post op with him, but the time is never enough. My heart breaks for your pain. I hope that your Dx is STS and that Charlie is back to his old tricks again soon. Sending you much love,

  6. rica55 says:

    God damn. Wtf is going in!?!? This is just not effing right and I’m so effing mad right now. But I’m going to keep my thoughts positive for you Ellen. It’s jut the way things need to work out, positively, bc charley is our hero. I’m hoping to hear good news please tomorrow let me know.

    All my love

  7. benny55 says:

    I’m so glad everyones cussing cause I get to say DITTO %&#-%&< And DITTO¢¥$&#% again!!

    This friggin piece of crap disease doesn't know Charley very well! It's messing with the wrong dog!!

    Charley feels great and doesn't give a rip avout any of this!

    And I know you know this, but it bears repeating. Let NOTHING rob you of your time together! There's a quote that shelby'smom put on an older blog for Misty. It was great. I'm going to fidit and come back.

    Hugs and lots more tennis balls for Charley!

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  8. fourminipups says:

    This stuff just sucks!! I am going to be thinking only the very best thoughts that this is a STS. Charlie is a fighter and will take on whatever comes his way. No matter what he is a Tripawd warrior and he is enjoying his life with you.

    Take Care-
    Luanne & Spirit Shooter

  9. anjl says:

    Dang it!
    I’m going t to be positive and say that Charley is a rock star so this is all gonna be okay!
    He is not one to let a lump get him down!
    Keep us posted
    paws crossed!

  10. benny55 says:

    I found it!

    “When you start missing what is not yet gone, you lose what is left.”

    LOOK ATTHOSE PICTURES!! That voy ISfit and does fee good!! And that’s all Charley kows and that’s all that matters!

    Lots of love and a gazillion hugs…really vig hugs!

    Sally and Happh Hannah

  11. KB says:

    I want to write a string of cuss words. My husband and I cheer for Charlie all the time because he’s beaten every statistic out there. I hope it’s a STS too. We will be thinking of you… Sending all our positive vibes.

    You might remember my sweet chocolate K… That’s how we first “met”.

  12. Chris says:

    I am lost for words. All I can do is sit here in tears for you, and Charlie.
    I pray it is just a wee set back in the long life Charlie will live. I am posting in the Lab forum for all the prayers and good thoughts we can get for you and Charlie.

    Thinking of you.

  13. princess says:

    I still come back here to look from time to time and was just devastated when I read this. I really thought Charley may have beaten the big C altogether. Hope it is not osteo mets. We’ll be thinking of you and praying for you. Keep loving your beautiful boy and cherishing every day. Many hugs.

    Karen and Spirit Magnum

  14. Christine says:

    $&*#(& $&#(#&$($# @^#@*^#* ($#(&#( for #($($&(@
    geesh.. that felt bvetter now didn’t it? Cancer will never win.. EVER!!!! It has been almost 3 years for Charlie as a survior!!! 3 YEARS!! Charlie has beat Cancer’s ass for quite some time now.. and I am sending many mega good vibes to Charlie so that he will beat Cancer’s ass some more.. Cancer deserves to have the crap beaten out of it!
    Keeping you and Charlie in my thoughts.. and hoping for the lesser of the two evils..
    keep us posted!!!
    Christine….. with Franklin in her heart♥

  15. This disease sucks. While I wish I didn’t have to wish for any kind of cancer, I hope it turns out to be soft tissue and treatable. Still so much life left in there. I can’t imagine the devastation that you feel. I am thinking of you.
    Heather and Barret

  16. Eileen & angel FayeRaye says:

    Prayers prayers and more prayers for you and Charley.

  17. Kelley and trio says:

    Oh charley, I hate to hear this news. We will be crossing our paws here that the news is the best possible news you can get. We haven’t had our play date yet, and I am going to count on that so I know things will be ok!

  18. Tracy says:

    I’m so sorry to read this about Charley!!!! Thinking and praying that isn’t isn’t a met and is STS… You look so fabulous Charley…keep on fightin’!!!

    Tracy & Spirit Maggie

  19. Doreen and The Brown Dogs +1 says:

    Going to remain hopeful that its the STS and removal will be the solution. Hang in there, try to stay positive as hard as it may be. Rely on your fans for uplifting.
    D and The Brown Dogs +1
    <3 <3 <3

  20. Shannan says:

    I’m so sorry to hear this! Ugh! You just go out there and kick those bad butts Charlie! As Dottie approaches 3 months post-amp it is heroes like you that inspire us and remind us to never give up! Our fingers and paws are crossed for pawsitive news! Keeping you guys in our prayers!

    Shannan and Dottie

  21. Vanessa says:

    Ellen, I am so sorry to hear this news. What a cruel twist, it happening on the 3 year check-up. I have to believe that it is going to be lesser of the two evils. There are so many people and pups sending their positive energy his way, that has to count for something!

    Vanessa & Boz the Pyr

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