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Today is Charley’s 11 Month Ampiversary!!!  YIPPEE!!!

He’s doing great and is a happy labby boy all of the time!  He’ll be 3-1/2 years old tomorrow too!

I’ve attached some pics of Charley loving his bone!  He’s so proud of himself!

Hugs and chocolate kisses,

Ellen and Charley

16 Responses to “Happy 11 Month Ampiversary Charley!!!”

  1. etgayle says:

    charley, we’re celebrating for you here in ET!!! eleven months is excellent – here’s to many, many, many more!!!! cheese and ice cream for everybody!! love the pictures, charley is a happy boy!

    charon & gayle

    • Thanks Charon & Gayle! I think Charley will have cream with artemisinin to celebrate before bed! LOL! He’s gotten lots of yummies, that’s just his before bed snack!
      Hugs and chocolate kisses,
      Ellen & Charley

  2. maximutt says:

    Congrats Charley! That bone looks pretty scrumptious!! Have a great ampuversary celebration!!!!!!!!

  3. rumblesmom says:

    Oh, happy day! Congratulations, Charley!

  4. AbbysMom says:

    Hooray for 11 months! Abby will be right behind you….

    That bone looks awesome! Enjoy it, Charlie!
    Jackie, Abby’s mom

  5. riosmom says:

    11 months is fantastic!!!! And Charley looks so very proud and happy! Enjoy that bone, buddy! You’ve earned it!

    Rio and Micki

  6. chilidawg says:

    Congrats, Charley! You look so proud and handsome!

    Jenna & Spirit Chili Dawg

  7. Oh Charley ~ that’s wonderful news you happy tripawd!!! 11 months is quite a milestone! May your miracle last for many, many months!!! Enjoy!!!!

    Love & hugs from the spirit of Indiana’s mom ~ Carol~~

    • Thank you so much Carol & spirit of Indiana!

      I’m a newbie here, so I’ve been trying to read the corresponding blogs of the members that comment to get to know them and their pups.

      I just read some of Indiana’s blog…what a sweet gentle soul and such a fighter!

      I hope and pray that Charley’s miracle lasts for many many months, but for now I try to live in the moment and celebrate each new day….I guess it goes along with the osteosarcoma diagnosis and knowing all too well that it comes back with a vengeance.

      We’re planning Charley’s 1 year ampiversary party (which is on my mom’s 66th birthday)! Hopefully on March 29th we’ll celebrate Charley’s 4th Birthday (with my dad who’ll be 72)!

      Hugs and chocolate kisses,
      Ellen & Charley

  8. jerry says:

    You look fantastic Charley! Your crazy kid energy is unstoppable. Congratulations!!!!

    • Ellen Venturella-Wilson says:

      Thank you so much! We’re looking forward to celebrating his 1 Year Ampiversary the end of this month…a day I didn’t think would come after receiving the OSA diagnosis.
      Hugs and chocolate kisses,
      Ellen & Charley

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