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One thing I have learned from this unwanted OS journey is that our dogs live in the moment.  Charley is still the same happy labby boy we knew before his amputation, only minus a leg.  To be honest, there are days when my hubby and I forget he only has 3 legs.


Charley reminds us everyday that he is living with cancer, not dying from cancer.  As Eleanor Roosevelt said, “Today is a gift.  That is why we call it the present.”


Below is a link to a video of Charley playing in the snow, just 12 weeks post amputation of his L front leg.  It is amazing to watch!  He can do everything on 3 legs that he did with 4!  Charley is our hero!!!


8 Responses to “An Unwanted Journey…”

  1. gillian says:

    yep living with cancer not dying from cancer.
    i will be sure to remember that the next time i worry Dizzy may not have long left, not that she knows that from the way she jumps around

  2. charleysmom says:

    Sometimes it is hard to remember. Dizzy lives in the moment and you need to also…it’s one of the toughest lessons to learn from our pups. Sending lots of positive thoughts to Dizzy!
    Hugs and chocolate kisses,
    Ellen & Charley

  3. etgayle says:

    amen, amen, amen!!! living in the now, that’s what gayle does each and every day. i get caught up in the ‘ifs and buts’, and she brings me back to the now. our tripawd sisters and brothers are just such wise little buddhas!!!

    charon & gayle

  4. tatespeeps says:

    Charlie’s our hero too! And so are all the Tripawds! They teach us so much.
    Jan & Tate

  5. Gracie's Mom says:

    Wow! What an amazing video. He truly is a hero!!

  6. charleysmom says:

    Thank you Jan & Tate! All of our pups are heroes!!!
    Hugs and chocolate kisses,
    Ellen & Charley

  7. charleysmom says:

    Thank you Gracie’s Mom! That means a lot!
    Hugs and chocolate kisses,
    Ellen & Charley

  8. charleysmom says:

    Charon & Gayle,
    Too bad it had to be cancer that taught us how to live in the here and now. Our canine brother and sisters are wiser than us…they are teaching us lessons that we would not have learned without them.
    Hugs and chocolate kisses,
    Ellen & Charley

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