I wish the news was better to share, but unfortunately it’s not. I was waiting until Monday, 10/28, to post happy news about Charley’s big 3 Year Ampuversary, but I guess that wasn’t in the cards.
We just left the oncologist after Charley’s 3 year follow up for osteosarcoma…. and I just got done crying, for now.
Dr. Buss found a 3 cm hard lump that’s moveable close to Charley’s amptation site. He aspirated it and he doesn’t like the look of the cells and it’s definitely a cancer. He thinks it’s either a soft tissue sarcoma or an OS met. We’ll find out tomorrow when he gets the pathology report back.
Best case scenario, it’s a soft tissue sarcoma and we can have it removed with clear margins and that’s the end of the story. Worst case scenario, it’s an OS met…and we have much bigger issues.
We go back Wednesday morning to meet with the surgeon as long as it’s a soft tissue sarcoma. It would be an aggressive surgery to remove it since it’s close to his amp site and a lot of the tissue has already been removed, but we are willing if it’s a possibility. We are not giving up on Charley now, just like we didn’t give up on him over 3 years ago.
The positive news if there is any is that Charley’s chest rads appeared clear, but we’re waiting on confirmation from the radiologist.
Please keep Charley in your thoughts and prayers. I’m devastated…

Just wanted to share some great news! Today is Charley’s 31 Month Ampuversary!!! YIPPEE! YAY! WOO HOO!
Charley was diagnosed with osteosarcoma at 2-1/2 years old and today is his 31 Month Ampuversary! Charley has lived over 1/2 of his life as a Tripawd Warrior with cancer!!!
Here’s the letter I read to Charley every month:
Happy 31 Month Ampuversary Charley!!! You are our Tripawd Hero and everyday you make us so proud that you picked us as your mommy and daddy! ♥ ♥ ♥
Our wish to you is that you continue your fight against osteosarcoma with the same strength, resilience, and determination that you have since your journey started.
Our promise to you is that you will never suffer and when you tell us that it’s time, we will bravely and lovingly give you your well-deserved angel wings.
Your mommy & daddy love you more than you will ever know! ♥ ♥ ♥
Mommy & Daddy xoxo
♥ We are so thankful and grateful for every bonus day that we have been given with Charley, but saddened that so many dogs lose their cancer battle way too soon into their journey. ♥
Hugs from me and chocolate Labby kisses from Charley! xoxo

Just wanted to share some great news! Today is Charley’s 27 Month Ampuversary!
We have been truly blessed and we can’t believe that Charley is going to be 5 in March!!! After his OS diagnosis, we didn’t think that he would live to see 3. Keep on proving all those statistics wrong Charley!
We are thankful for every day that we have with Charley and we take none of them for granted, because we know that unfortunately the cancer beast can rear it’s ugly head at any moment….so we continue to LIVE happily and fully with cancer!
Happy 27 Month Ampuversary Charley!!! You are our tripawd hero and everyday you make us so proud that you picked us as your mommy and daddy! ♥ ♥ ♥
Our wish to you is that you continue your fight against osteosarcoma with the same strength, resilience, and determination that you have since your journey started.
Our promise to you is that you will never suffer and when you tell us that it’s time, we will bravely and lovingly give you your well-deserved angel wings.
Your mommy and daddy love you more than you will ever know!!! ♥ ♥ ♥
Mommy & Daddy xoxo

…especially osteosarcoma (bone cancer)!
Here’s a picture of me sporting the tee that my aunt and uncle got me for my 3rd birthday. There is also a picture of my 2 mini-yorkie cousins (Zeke & Cooper) who wore the same shirt in my honor.
Hugs and chocolate Labby kisses from Charley! xoxo