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Thank you for keeping Charley in your thoughts and prayers! Charley had his 1st round of chemo (Doxorubicin) this afternoon and now he’s relaxing at home.


When Dr. Buss (onco) tried taking Charley back, Charley had other ideas. He put on the breaks and tried to run to me….all while crying and yelping…he’s a bit of a momma’s boy (and a bit dramatic)!!! I had to walk back with Charley so he would go with Dr. Buss.


We have 4 doses of Cerenia, so Dr. Buss said to start Charley on it tomorrow before any nausea and vomiting would start…which is in 3-5 days. Charley tolerated Carboplatin well without taking Cerenia, but Doxorubicin is harder on the GI system.  Charley will have his blood work done in 7-10 days to check his blood counts (nadir).


His next chemo, Lomustine (oral chemo), is scheduled in 3 weeks on Wednesday 12/18 pending his blood work. Dr. Buss said that Lomustine is back ordered and hard to get but he will be able to get it.


Dr. Buss said that he’s attacking Charley’s metastatic OS with these two different chemos so Charley will hopefully be around for many more years! I really hope so too….and to be honest, when Dr. Buss said this I couldn’t help but smile since his approach is always straight forward without any hint of subjectivity!


Here’s a few pictures of my very tired chocolate boy!





Here’s Charley sporting his preppy sweater since it’s been really cold here and his fur hasn’t grown back yet.  As you can tell by the look on his face, he’s not thrilled!  The sweater is a dark hunter green, but you can barely see it since he’s so dark brown!






We bought Charley his very own T-bone steak to eat tomorrow on Thanksgiving!  He’s going to be super excited!  We have so much to be thankful for and Charley is #1 on the list!


Happy Thanksgiving to all!!!  Even though I’m not Jewish, I wanted to wish a Happy Hanukkah also to those who are!


Thank you for all of your prayers, positive thoughts, good karma, hugs, kisses, etc.  It is greatly appreciated and we can’t thank you enough for all of your support!  We couldn’t go down this road alone….and again….without all of you!


  Hugs from me and chocolate Labby kisses from Charley!  xoxo 

14 Responses to “Charley’s done with chemo #1!”

  1. rica55 says:

    yay Charley! Way to go and what beautiful pictures of you!!! We know you are going to sail through this chemo and be around for many many more years to come!!!
    Happy Thanksgiving, I see a Christmas tree in those pics, but Happy Hanukah back atcha, since Jill is a Jewish Kitty 😉

    Love always,
    Erica & Jill

  2. doggiemomma9 says:

    Glad to hear he was able to start chemo. Forgot about that Cerenia with the Doxorubicin/Adriamycin. Butchey always tolerated it well, but we gave it to him anyway.

    Did they definitely rule out Hemangio? B had two holistics I would highly recommend if it was. But they were HSA specific.

    We are all pulling for Charley! Belly rubs to him!!

    Butchey Hudson’s furamily

  3. fourminipups says:

    Get lots of rest Charley.

    The lomustine really hit Shooter hard. No nausea, but we had a hard time with his WBC and had to be on antibiotics.

    Happy Thanksgiving-
    Luanne and Spirit Shooter

  4. Michelle says:

    Charley looking good. Congrats on fishing that first chemo again and we KNOW you will do great and continue to kick butt.
    Happy Thanksgiving. 🙂

    Michelle & Angel Sassy

  5. benny55 says:


    I dn’t blame you for putting on your Labby brakes when at the vet office!! But isn’t it fun gettng all that lovng and spoiling from Mom and Dad just for being sich a god boy!!

    These pictures….oh my goodness…you are such a good looking fella’. And the ones where yo are sacked out on the sofa and just so relaxed and content…that’s one sweet and gentle soul right there.

    And YOUR Christmass tree is beautiful! And I loved seeing your little Christmas decoratiins as your “backdrop” while you were on the runway modeling your very nice sweater! Charley, you DEFINITELY SMILE!! No question aboutit! You smile! And that makes us smile!!

    And loving the “many more years” statement!! DARN RIGHT! THIS IS CHARLEY!! He’s got a lot of living to do…..and sacking out on his sofa by his Christmas tree! I just love that picture!! That’s calendar worthy next year! Heck, all his pictures are! We may just need to have a “Charley Calendar”!:-) 🙂

    Thanks so much for the update AND pics!

    Thoroughly enjoy your steak Charley! Well deserved!! Have a wonderful, wonderful day tomorrow!

    Love and hugs!

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  6. maximutt says:

    Charley, you are one tough guy!! Enjoy your t-bone today, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

  7. fetchon3 says:

    Congrats, Charley on knocking down #1! Whoop whoop! I hope the upcoming days are A-OK for you. Rest up and fight on!
    ~ Katy & Jackson

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