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Just wanted to share some great news!  Today is Charley’s 34 Month Ampuversary!!!  YIPPEE!  YAY!  WOO HOO! 


Charley was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in his left proximal humerus at 2-1/2 years old and he has lived over 1/2 his life as a Tripawd Cancer Warrior.  Charley had his left front leg amputated followed by 5 rounds of Carboplatin chemotherapy.  After Charley finished chemo, we started him on supplements that boost his immune system as well as kill any roaming cancer cells and he remains on them today.  For those of you just starting this journey, my one piece of advice to you is….NEVER GIVE UP HOPE!!!


Here’s the letter I read to Charley every month:


Happy 34 Month Ampuversary Charley!!!  You are our Tripawd Hero and everyday you make us so proud that you picked us as your mommy and daddy! ♥ ♥ ♥

Our wish to you is that you continue your fight against osteosarcoma with the same strength, resilience, and determination that you have since your journey started.

Our promise to you is that you will never suffer and when you tell us that it’s time, we will bravely and lovingly give you your well-deserved angel wings.

Your mommy & daddy love you more than you will ever know! ♥ ♥ ♥


Mommy & Daddy  xoxo


  We are so thankful and grateful for every bonus day that we have been given with Charley, but saddened that so many dogs lose their cancer battle way too soon into their journey. 


Hugs from me and chocolate Labby kisses from Charley!  xoxo


My mommy took some pictures of me the last few weeks playing with my tennis ball and running around the yard that she wanted to share.  🙂

Charley 34m9 Charley 34m8 Charley 34m7 Charley 34m5 Charley 34m4 Charley 34m3 Charley 34m2 Charley 34m1 Charley 34m

32 Responses to “Today is Charley’s 34 Month Ampuversary!!!”

  1. kdmilazzo says:

    Oh what a trooper and such an inspiration to those of us just starting. Thank you for sharing and spreading the hope. It means more to me right now than you could ever know. My girl was just diagnosed in late July and I’m determined not to let anyone put a number on her life. Thank you again and keep up the great work Charley, you’re a beautiful boy!

  2. Michelle says:

    Yay Charlie. You are an inspiration. I wish Sassy would have been one of the long term survivors like you. You gave such great advice. Sassy is a survivor and cancer didn’t win even though it took her last week. She fought and was determined.

    Michelle & Angel Sassy

    • Michelle,
      I’m so sorry that it was Sassy’s time to make her journey to Rainbow Bridge. Godspeed Sassy. Run free sweet girl, run. Please send your mommy pennies.
      Charley (and Ellen) xoxo

  3. roxiesmom says:

    Cheers and high-fives to that handsome, happy hoppy warrior!! Princess Roxie and I salute you and Charley for a pawsitively inspirational story!

    -Liz and Roxie

  4. trio says:

    Holy moly! Charlie looks a lot like my Trio. Or rather my Trio looks a lot like Charlie. Hey are even missing the same leg!

    Congrats on the milestone. Charlie looks like one happy pup!

    Kelley and Trio

    • Thank you Kelley and Trio!!! I just visited your blog and saw the post about Forest Park. Do you live in St. Louis??? We do! We should have a play date!
      Charley (and Ellen) xoxo

  5. kdmilazzo says:

    One question, can you share what supplements you have Charley on? I currently have Bella on Vit C and a glucose chew-able but always interested to hear if there is not something else she should be taking. Thanks again.

  6. fetchon3 says:

    And another month knocked down! BAM! Down you go, cancer! I love his photos. Such a happy, energenic, young pup! Keep it up, buddy. We love your monthly reminders there’s HOPE!
    ~ Katy & Jackson

  7. Christine says:

    How cool is that???? WAAAAAYYYY COOOOLLLL!!!!
    My heart and soul would have been bursting with pride, love and giddy’ness to be able to post a blog like this!! Way to go Charlie!!
    It is so nice to see this tripawds kick cancer’s ass and pawty on!!
    Christine….. with Franklin in her heart ♥

    • Thank you Christine! I’m going to keep fighting this beast for Franklin and all of my other furry friends that have gone to Rainbow Bridge far too soon!
      Charley xoxo

  8. jerry says:

    Oh you handsome boy, you are amaaaaaaaazing! I love seeing the joy in your eyes and the bounce in your step, it’s full of so much hope and inspawration, you are changing the world my friend! Congrats!

  9. benny55 says:

    YAAAAAAAAAAAY CHARLIE!! Must have some miracle juice in those chocoalte kisses! Bottle it up and seel it on e-bay”

    What a beacon of hope you are for all of us! Keep that light shing because we all like to bathe ourselves in your healimg glow!

    Di d I mention how stunningly handsome you are? Yeah, I think I probably do with every picture you take! These hotos show sooooooo much joy and happiness on your face, it just puts a smile on my neart and a grin on my mug!
    Love the “action” shots, but especially the one with your tongue hanging out to the side blowing in tne breeze! Beautiful pictures that just capture the essence of who you are—happy, joyful, vibrant, content, savoring every moment with a smile on your face!

    Loading up some tennis balls over here for ya’! Don’t be too rough on ’em okay?

    Charley, we honor you, we love you and we are thrilled to be on this journey with you! We love being your “friend”

    And the standing ovation cntinues into the ight……!

    Love and tummy rubs,

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  10. Eliz Hanebury says:

    He looks wonderful (trying to channel Billy Crystal from the 90’s SNL) Marvelous. Athletic and agile with a huge Labby smile

  11. broc says:

    Charley is really amazing. The morning of my dog Broc’s surgery, which was two days ago, my wife and I both had serious doubts if we were making the best decision for Broc. I found Tripawds and Charley’s post was at the top of the list. I read through it and it gave us so much inspiration that it was the right decision to fight this disease. Thank you so much!

    Brad, Michelle, and Broc

    • Brad and Michelle,
      I’m so glad that I could be an inspawration to you! Broc will AMAZE you as a Tripawd! My mommy and daddy (and all my vets) never thought that I would make it to my 3rd birthday, but I proved them wrong! Never give up hope! Sending lots of pawsitive thoughts and prayers to Broc for a super speedy recovery!!!!
      Charley xoxo

  12. Joyce says:

    Yayyyyyyyyyyyy Charlie, it was so nice to see you all last Oct for the reunion. So happy to hear Charlie is doing so well, please give him a BIG hug from me and Hope !!

  13. Carol says:

    Hurray for Charley and best wishes! Our Golden, Sam, only got 8 months…he was also a left front leg amputee. He was so brave and adapted so well, but had a metastasis in spite of chemo and all the other things we did. Miss him so much! Hope Charley has a long and wonderful life!

    • Thank you Carol! Sam got 8 wonderful months with you and now he’s running free at Rainbow Bridge until you are both reunited again.
      Charley xoxo (and his mommy Ellen)

  14. Kimberly says:

    Charley gives me more hope for my rottie girl named Charlie as well. My Charlie is 6.5 years old and was diagnosed with bone cancer on July 2/13. She had her right leg and shoulder amputated on July 22/13. She has just completed her second round of chemo. The doctor said that there are spots on her lungs that will be xrayed again in a couple weeks when she gets her 3rd round of chemo. They say the cancer has spread to her lungs. Charlie is doing great. She is her old self minus a leg. I refuse to believe that she cannot beat this or at least go into remission. Your Charley boy is a great inspiration for hope. I was hoping that you could email me what immune system builders you use for him. I have been giving my Charlie girl Essiac (capsules). It is a herbal supplement that claims to help build the immune system, clean the blood, and help stop the cancer from spreading.
    I will keep your Charley in my prayers and thoughts. Kimberly.

  15. samsamsmom says:

    Hello!!!!! I know I’ve been horrible and have not logged on in quite some time…ok, even more than that…sigh! But I immediately came looking to check on Charley….and I’m sooooo very happy to hear how amazing he’s doing! He looks simply amazing in the pictures! I sure looks like he’s had a wonderful summer! Please know we think of you and send wonderful thoughts your way often….even if we aren’t posting!



  16. Liliana says:

    Wow, 34 months! A big congratulations! I would love it if my Sasha would make it that far 🙂


    • Lili,
      Thank you! Sending lots of pawsitive thoughts and prayers to Sasha for many many many more ampuversaries and celebrations! Don’t forget to be more dog by living in the now and enjoying the present with your girl!
      Congratulations on 18 months Sasha!!!
      Charley xoxo (and his mommy Ellen)

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