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Just wanted to share some great news!  Today is Charley’s 27 Month Ampuversary!

We have been truly blessed and we can’t believe that Charley is going to be 5 in March!!!  After his OS diagnosis, we didn’t think that he would live to see 3.  Keep on proving all those statistics wrong Charley!

We are thankful for every day that we have with Charley and we take none of them for granted, because we know that unfortunately the cancer beast can rear it’s ugly head at any moment….so we continue to LIVE happily and fully with cancer!

Happy 27 Month Ampuversary Charley!!!  You are our tripawd hero and everyday you make us so proud that you picked us as your mommy and daddy!  ♥ ♥ ♥

Our wish to you is that you continue your fight against osteosarcoma with the same strength, resilience, and determination that you have since your journey started.

Our promise to you is that you will never suffer and when you tell us that it’s time, we will bravely and lovingly give you your well-deserved angel wings.

Your mommy and daddy love you more than you will ever know!!!  ♥ ♥ ♥


Mommy & Daddy  xoxo

Charley survivor1

cancer sucks

12 Responses to “Happy 27 Month Ampuversary Charley!!!”

  1. fetchon3 says:

    Congrats! Charley you are so cute, so young, so lively! Keep it up, Buddy! And Mom, when you get a chance, I’d love to hear more about his story. I saw he got 5x carbo, but what about any supplements or diet changes? I’d love to know what you are doing to keep him so healthy and so miraculous! Congrats! Looking good, Charley!

    • Thank you!!! We switched Charley to high quality, grain-free, high protein kibble (Orijen 6 Fish). Here’s the list of supplements we started after he finished his 5 rounds of carboplatin: Fish Oil, Vit E, Vit C, Berte’s Immune Blend, Berte’s Green Blend, Berte’s Probiotics, K9 Immunity Plus, Artemisinin, Butyrex, Curcumin, Turmeric.
      Just let me know if you want more info and I can give you my email address.
      Ellen & Charley

  2. princess says:

    I love Charlie’s t-shirts! Wonderful news. He looks radiant.

  3. chad ermel says:

    I just found your site and I’m so glad I did! My wife and I have a 1-year old yellow Lab (Murphey) who was diagnosed with osteosarcoma and had his front leg amputated in early December. He’s doing really well so far and we’re just taking each day as it comes. It’s encouraging to see Charley doing so well and gives us hope for our boy. Keep up the good work. People need to know about life after amputation!

    Take care,
    Chad Ermel

  4. belai123 says:

    This is wonderful. My Louie is 3 months since amputation and going. How wonderful

  5. KB says:

    Yay Charlie! I am so very happy that you are kicking osteosarcoma’s butt and living life to the fullest. I am celebrating for you! You give hope to lots of people who think it’s all over when they get their dog’s diagnosis. Even for dogs who don’t live as long as you have with OSA, there are still some wonderful days ahead. But then, there are the few cases, miracles, like yours that make us all smile!

  6. jerry says:

    You sweet, sweet boy! Congratulations on 27 amazing, thrilling, inspawrational, incredible, fantastic months! Cancer sure does suck but you are proof that it doesn’t have to ruin your life. Thank you for being the most pawesomest role model ever!

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