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I am so excited because I went swimming twice this week!  I’ve had the best week ever!!!


My mommy and daddy didn’t think that I liked to swim before….silly parents….they just didn’t know that us labs like swimming in lakes and ponds, not swimming in swimming pools with slippery steps!!!


My mommy took me to a nearby pond to swim on Thursday.  It was a long hop to the pond and I was a bit too tired to hop all the way up the steep hill back to my house and had to take a few rest breaks.  I got to wear my new red float coat that Sammy gave to me too.  I had to figure out how to hop down the unstable rocks to get in the water with only one front leg.  I fell a few times and face planted, but I got right up again because that’s what us tripawds (you know…those of us with 3 legs) do!


My mommy and daddy took me back to the pond yesterday (this time I got a car ride there instead of walking…so much easier than hopping all the way there).  I wasn’t scared at all hopping down those rocks this time and I got right in the water.  My daddy was afraid that I was going to get hurt, but I kept hopping in the water and hopping out of the water by myself.  My daddy said that I was determined….whatever that means.


I had so much fun swimming!!!  I can swim really fast now and my new float coat makes it even easier for me to swim (Thank You Sammy!!!).  My mommy took lots of pictures and my daddy was videotaping me as I was swimming.  They kept saying how proud they are of me and how handsome I am!


Thanks mommy and daddy for taking me swimming!  I hope I get to go again soon!


Hugs and chocolate Labby kisses from Charley xoxo




19 Responses to “I went swimming!!!”

  1. tailsfromthepack says:

    Wooo high paws to you Charley you are an absolute star, you look so happy. We hope to see Bruno doing this one day soon.

    Hugs to you all

    Khumbu, Bruno and the hu’parents

    • Thank you Kiersten! Bruno will definitely be swimming soon! Charley went swimming for the 1st time as a tripawd and he was not a swimmer prior to his amp.

      Hugs and chocolate kisses to you and your pack!!!
      Ellen & Charley

  2. rumblesmom says:

    That’s terrific! He looks super happy in the photos.
    A non-swimming Lab? Never heard of such a thing. Well now he IS a swimmer…and such a brave guy, too!

    • Thank you Rumblesmom!!! I think he didn’t like to swim because he never had a chance to swim in a lake or pond so his instincts would take over (only pools)…and he started limping when he was not even 2 years old Now he runs towards water! 🙂
      Hugs and chocolate kisses,
      Ellen & Charley

  3. chilidawg says:

    Charley, you look like a natural out there! Lookin good, buddy!

  4. etgayle says:

    charley, you look like a fish there in the water!! way to go and not let a few falls keep you from your destination!!!

    charon & gayle

  5. AbbysMom says:

    Fun, fun, fun! Glad you found a spot to swim!

    Jackie, Abby’s mom

    • Jackie,
      It’s a pond at the end of our street and across the road. Not sure if it’s legal or not, but I’ll take the chance because Charley loves it!
      Hugs and chocolate kisses,
      Ellen & Charley

  6. wyattraydawg says:

    Charley, do you give swimming lessons?

  7. Diana Maberry says:

    Charley, I just knew all along that you would love swimming. It is so much fun, isn’t it and you look like a pro. Happy to hear that you got to go swimming two times in one week. Yeah Charley. Love all your photos.

  8. Diana,
    I’m just so happy that my mommy decided to take me swimming in a pond and not a pool so I could show her that I love to swim!

    Hugs and chocolate kisses,
    Charley xoxo

  9. Joanne Keenan says:

    Charley — you should give doggie swimming lessons. I have a doggie that could use some! It looks like a lot of fun.

  10. Jane's Penny says:

    Lookin Good there kiddo! I hope the weather stays warm so you can swim until November! Hey, where is your water frisbee? Tell your Mom they are great water toys, and you would surely love one……………., I know I do, they are soft and floaty and easy to fetch.
    Jane xoxox

  11. samsamsmom says:

    So handsome! He looks like a fish in there! I love it! I know what you mean when you say you’re so proud….my eyes fill up every time Sammy swims…just makes me so happy to see him so carefree. Good boy Charley!

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